2021 NASCAR video game by Motorsport Games

Any of you WoO guys try racing online yet? I haven't, but plan on giving it a shot soon. No idea what to expect, but at least my racecars will be looking good....






Any of you WoO guys try racing online yet? I haven't, but plan on giving it a shot soon. No idea what to expect, but at least my racecars will be looking good....






My online gaming days are behind me for the most part. If I was going to play this online, based on past experience, I'd expect a mixture of players of all different skill and seriousness levels, from the real-life dirt racers with expensive wheel and pedal setups to the little kids driving around backwards or doing donuts constantly. Of course, the only way to know for sure what it's like is to take the plunge for yourself.
Man, I can't get enough of this WoO game. At some point over the last couple of days, everything has somehow just clicked. Learning Bristol helped a lot, as I suspected would be the case. That's a tough track in this game, but practicing there really taught me how to control the cars. I'm not bouncing off the AI like a pinball anymore. I can go wherever I need to go on the track to make passes. I can even drive both of the late models now.

As per a tip in one of the comments on a YouTube video I watched, I've moved the default setup slider to the tight side (typically around 25%) and haven't been afraid to commit the cardinal sin of running the bottom. For the most part, I seem to be just a tick faster on the bottom, like maybe a couple of tenths, as is the case in the Heat games, not leaps and bounds faster like in all of the previous Monster dirt racing games. I'm probably just not consistent enough at running the top to be consistently faster up there.

I use a controller, and the only assist I'm using is 15% stability help. I can play without it, but as of right now, it's just a little less tedious to play with it enabled, so I'm leaving it on. I also moved the steering deadzone to zero - that helped a ton.
Ignition had a huge display with sim rigs at track today. I could only chuckle at the balls it took to brag and present that piece of steaming poop to the public.
Online racing in the WoO game is a ton of fun, and it's easy to find lobbies with folks who race clean, all you need to do is look for the "expert" lobbies that don't allow any assists. I have a much better time racing online with this game than any NASCAR console game or anything in the Forza lineup. I'm not very good, but I can hold my own at the shorter tracks that require braking and finesse. For whatever reason, it's the larger tracks running wide open throttle that I seem to be lacking speed.

If you see me online, give me a shout. K15 GMC is my handle.....






Online racing in the WoO game is a ton of fun, and it's easy to find lobbies with folks who race clean, all you need to do is look for the "expert" lobbies that don't allow any assists. I have a much better time racing online with this game than any NASCAR console game or anything in the Forza lineup. I'm not very good, but I can hold my own at the shorter tracks that require braking and finesse. For whatever reason, it's the larger tracks running wide open throttle that I seem to be lacking speed.

If you see me online, give me a shout. K15 GMC is my handle.....






That last sprint at the bottom of your pics....you made it? Chefs kiss. When you posted this I was playing the game last night ha ha, the game is so damn addicting. Best racing game I’ve played in a while. The only thing I’d change would be when you make it to the 405 WoO, all the racing you’ve done in the lower series leads to a contract with an Outlaw team instead of racing for your own. If you’re racing multiple series in career it’s harder to save money to buy parts to make your Car faster. Much rather sign a contract and race my way up the grid as it would take hours off the game.
That last sprint at the bottom of your pics....you made it? Chefs kiss. When you posted this I was playing the game last night ha ha, the game is so damn addicting. Best racing game I’ve played in a while. The only thing I’d change would be when you make it to the 405 WoO, all the racing you’ve done in the lower series leads to a contract with an Outlaw team instead of racing for your own. If you’re racing multiple series in career it’s harder to save money to buy parts to make your Car faster. Much rather sign a contract and race my way up the grid as it would take hours off the game.

Yeah I made it, but it's one of the preset designs you can adjust to your liking. I don't know if you have messed around much within the paint booth yet, but it's pretty limited. For example if you want to create your own design, you can't layer more than six "shapes" per panel. The street stock (first pic at the top) is my own custom design, the rest of them use one of the templates they offer. But yeah, I love that last sprint at the bottom. I tried to make it look similar to the Dupont/Axalta car of Gordon's later years.

100% agreed with the rest of your post as well.
I apparently missed this. That Heat 5 2022 update got delayed and the price has been lowered. According to this article, the sound of the new cars is the main sticking point right now. Honestly, after Ignition, I'm totally fine with them taking their time and getting this right. In the meantime, the WoO game is more than enough to satisfy my racing itch.

the most fun racing game I've played in a while. I bought it a few days after it came out because I was skeptical and wanted to wait for reviews. Holy hell is this game so much fun, I am playing the 305 Sprints at the local level and having a ball. I can do a season of that in one sitting while my son takes a nap, it just goes by so quick. I cant figure out if you can run multiple vehicles at one time and not lose out on that week's race but I just tried the regional level for 305's. I also saw Kasey Kahne is in the game and that led me to his website where I might buy some of his WoO merch, is he running full time in the series? Sorry to be all over the place, but this game is the $hit, if anyone on here plays.... try this game!
He went into the year running full time for rookie of the year, but got hurt and missed some time. He's been pick and choose since then.
I got an awesome one I wear all the time a couple years ago
I dont know anything about his sponsor though, Karavan. Seems like a trucking parts company? He's got some cool hats on his personal website.
Chastain's wall ride has now ruined online racing for the time being. Try finding even one lobby where half the idiots aren't banging the wall - I could not do it
Not sure if I'm liking the new UMP modifieds in the WoO game yet. They look cool, and I like the idea of them, but they pull way too hard to the left for me. Yeah, I can adjust, but driving them for a while messes with my muscle memory with the other cars, so I'm probably gonna just leave them alone for now.
Not sure if I'm liking the new UMP modifieds in the WoO game yet. They look cool, and I like the idea of them, but they pull way too hard to the left for me. Yeah, I can adjust, but driving them for a while messes with my muscle memory with the other cars, so I'm probably gonna just leave them alone for now.

I actually love the modifieds. They are a nice "middle ground" between street stocks and late models
I actually love the modifieds. They are a nice "middle ground" between street stocks and late models
Yeah, they're not hard to drive - I just find it annoying having to constantly tilt the analog stick to the right on the straightaways. I'm sure I'd like them more if I was using a wheel and if I could pick Ken Schrader. Herman was a nice little surprise, but he ain't enough. :lol2:
Yeah, they're not hard to drive - I just find it annoying having to constantly tilt the analog stick to the right on the straightaways. I'm sure I'd like them more if I was using a wheel and if I could pick Ken Schrader. Herman was a nice little surprise, but he ain't enough. :lol2:

Driving with a wheel is such a game changer. If you can justify spending $260 on a decent wheel/pedal setup, I highly recommend it.
Driving with a wheel is such a game changer. If you can justify spending $260 on a decent wheel/pedal setup, I highly recommend it.
I don't have room for a full wheel and pedal setup, and I've never liked those lap steering wheels. I'm a controller guy. Always have been, always will be. If a particular racing game, or some aspect of it, doesn't work for me with a controller, then it doesn't work for me. I just accept it.
Racing online with this WoO game is a lot of fun, especially if you're lucky enough to get in a good lobby with clean racers. Typically I'll just race for a while and maybe try a few different lobbies until I find one with a party (most/all of the racers are mic'd up). That's how you know you're in a clean lobby, generally speaking. People do a good job of communicating who the trolls are so the host knows who to boot.

Like pretty much every racing game ever, there are just too many guys who dive bomb the corners or pinch you into the wall to get by you. Here's a good example below. I'm restarting 6th after a yellow, everyone starts busting for the lead in front, I take advantage of an opening, and then some twat goes full send and I get pushed into the corner and blasted into the wall.....

Also, I decided to make my late model a tribute to Bodine's Exide car......


Apologies for hijacking this thread lol
I finally got those UMP modifieds working for me. To help with that pull to the left, I just went into the custom setup and increased the steering offset a few clicks to .200, which works for me. You can keep going all the way up to 3.000, which will make the car actively pull hard to the right. I don't mind a little pull to the left, but that default setting was just too much for me.

I'm still trying to decide whether I like the sprint cars or the late models more. I think I might be more of a late model guy.
I need to peel myself away from Call of Duty and Ghostbusters long enough to get back into WoO. Haven't iRaced in months either
So Motorsport Games Board Of Directors resigned and now their stock price is .50 cents a share. That can’t be good for the “upcoming” Indy Car game
And I'm too lazy to post, but Dale Jr tweeted something to the effect of "Who wants another Dirt to Daytona game?" in response to the news. Please let Monster/iRacing make a NASCAR game. Please
Not sure if I'm liking the new UMP modifieds in the WoO game yet. They look cool, and I like the idea of them, but they pull way too hard to the left for me. Yeah, I can adjust, but driving them for a while messes with my muscle memory with the other cars, so I'm probably gonna just leave them alone for now.
In real life Northeast style big block modifieds > UMP modifieds
And I'm too lazy to post, but Dale Jr tweeted something to the effect of "Who wants another Dirt to Daytona game?" in response to the news. Please let Monster/iRacing make a NASCAR game. Please
Yup. That company shutting down was well deserved.

I'm not one to claim being offended or feeling disrespected by professional athletes, companies or whatever. But man, NASCAR 21 ignition was so offensive to me as a race fan. I mean, NASCAR aside, it seems almost criminal to release a $60 game like that that is fundamentally broken

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I'm not a dirt racing expert, so I wouldn't know. All I know is that we've been told that big block modifieds are coming to the game at some point. :lol2:
Lol you should head out to Bridgeport Speedway in Swedesboro and see the real thing
The potential for this is huge. The best NASCAR video game news in well over a decade.
I’m shook. Like if this game is half as good as the WoO game it’s first time out, it’ll be a tremendous start and tremendously better than what we’ve had since like the mid 2000’s which will in itself lead to a bright future.
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