The later start times are also going to affect how many races we attend. Currently, we go to five races with only one being a planned weekend stay, Darlington Fall. We live outside Atlanta so that’s obviously a one day deal. But Talladega is also only 2 hours from us, we commute for both Spring and Fall races there too, both Saturday and Sunday. It’s a really easy drive, even easier than Atlanta. Our other race is Michigan where we stay with family about 1-1/2 hours away. Now that the races are late afternoon that means after the race and getting out of the parking lot you’re looking at 7-8pm getting on the road and getting home 9-10pm on a Sunday night. We’re going to give it a try in 2021 since our tickets all rolled over from not going in 2020, but I’m skeptical it’s going to be better than the 2pm starts we had at those tracks. We would be home around 8pm. We’ll see.