A new semester starts for me

Math wise, I've drank a half a bottle of that fireball cinnamon crap the kids call whiskey, would the math make me also half drunk?

Exactly 50 percent. Surprisingly, the typing skills aren't gone yet, at least.
woooo hoooooo I got a 91% on my Comp100 exam. :cheers:

Math wise, I've drank a half a bottle of that fireball cinnamon crap the kids call whiskey, would the math make me also half drunk?

Exactly 50 percent. Surprisingly, the typing skills aren't gone yet, at least.

I wish the math we were doing was half that easy, Clark. I find it a bit tedious. I'll get it though, I just need to look somethings up.

Miss you.
Fish is brain food...:D..or so they say..:idunno:....I am a test case, as I ate some fish..but didn't appear to make me ANY smarter...:einstein:
Today I am stuck on 1 type of fraction word problem. Does anyone out there know fraction word problems? These aren't the easy type either.
Two splice plates are cut from a piece of sheet steel that has an overall length of 15 3/4 in. The plates are 8 1/2 in. and 5 15/16 in. long. How much material remains from the original piece if each saw cut removes 1/16 in.?

This is an example of what I come so close to solving. I just wanted to give you an idea of what I am stuck on.
15 12/16 - 8 8/16 - 5 15/16 - 2/16 =
15 12/16 - ( 8 8/16 - 5 15/16 - 2/16) =
15 12/16 - (13 25/16) =
15 12/16 - 14 9/16 = 1 3/16

Reduce your fractions to a common denominator
15 12/16 - 8 8/16 - 5 15/16 - 2/16 =
15 12/16 - ( 8 8/16 - 5 15/16 - 2/16) =
15 12/16 - (13 25/16) =
15 12/16 - 14 9/16 = 1 3/16

Reduce your fractions to a common denominator

Thank you for the help. I see my tutor tomorrow. I will most likely spend all afternoon in the library studying. I"ve got to catch up.
My way may be wrong, its been over 50 yrs since I went to school. :)
Your way isn't wrong, no matter how long ago you learned it.
Any method that gives the correct answer is a valid method.
It may not be the only method, but it works so it's just as good today.
(Note that I'm talking about Math here - other subjects aren't so black-and-white.)
My Brain Hurts. It May Explode. It ain't easy trying to emulate Einstein everyday. :einstein:
I've got a lot of thinking to do as to whether I want to stay in school or not. I know this will shock many of you. I am under so much pressure and I am so behind in my math class, it is making me mentally and physically sick. I just don't know what to do?
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Pete....don't forget to subtract the 1/16 for the saw kerf....(or 1 1/8. )
How much time do you have invested in school??? and how much is left?? you have to think of your health, and if it isn't doing so good...maybe take a break?? pick up school later??
I've got a lot of thinking to do as to whether I want to stay in school or not. I know this will shock many of you. I am under so much pressure and I am so behind in my math class, it is making me mentally and physically sick. I just don't know what to do?

First off consider what Randy had to say. There are some things an education is good for ( I can't think of any right now) but your health is important.
What you really need to do is be able to turn your math into a game, not something to fear.
Do you drive a car and more important do you have a licence? If the answer is yes then you have proven you have a learning ability. Now
apply that ability to your math.
I got two words for you in your math clas Lisa..... You Tube. Just search for what you need help with and you will find a bunch of tutorials to use. I needed that when my daughter took Geometry in 04. I took geometry in 1970. YouTube saved my butt.
I'll be taking both classes online. No more trying to drive long distances anymore, for me. The closest ITT Tech is in Dayton and that is too far to drive for classes anyway. My first 2 classes will be basic ones, the third one is getting into core classes, intro to web design. :)

I will keep this thread as a diary of sorts, maybe someone will read it.
I'll be taking both classes online. No more trying to drive long distances anymore, for me. The closest ITT Tech is in Dayton and that is too far to drive for classes anyway. My first 2 classes will be basic ones, the third one is getting into core classes, intro to web design. :)

I will keep this thread as a diary of sorts, maybe someone will read it.

Good luck.
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