My apologies if this gets moved to the podium. I make no reference to either side of the aisle so hopefully this can just further the discussion without being moved.
This is all a result of communism getting a larger foothold in our society. The goal of communism is to destroy freedom of thought so that all people will obey the government without questioning it. Christianity teaches that God gives each man free will to choose to follow His teachings. Islam teaches that everyone must obey the rule of Sharia Law or be punished. This is why Islam as well as aetheism are bigger now than 10 years ago. Communists encourage aetheism as well because most aetheists won't fight for a cause. Most aetheists don't have strong feelings for anything so they are less likely to fight communism or join Christianity or a freedom movement.
Communism also attacks symbols within our society that people have strong feelings about, i.e. pledge of allegiance, rebel flag, prayers in public, religious symbols on public property. The goal of communism is to destroy traditions and create new traditions that have little or no meaning. This country has primarily been Christian since it was founded and the traditions that Americans celebrate revolve around freedom. Think of the holidays that are no longer recognized (Columbus Day, Washington's Birthday, Lincoln's Birthday, Flag Day, MLK Day, etc ) or have morphed, (Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving). There are only 2 holidays that celebrate the greatness of the country, Independance Day and Memorial Day. Most people don't understand why we celebrate these days and are just happy that they don't have to work/go to school on these days.
Communism is also the reason for the increase in gay and transgender support. It is trying to take down the family unit because it is a tradition to grow up, get married, and have 2.5 kids. (A very Christian tradition) Communism increasingly attacks gender roles as well. Women are taught to act more like men traditionally do and men are taught to act more like women.
Anyway the bottom line is that all traditions are under attack and have been for a long time now. It just so happens that most of America's traditions are Christian based and Communism can't win if the majority of people believe in free will.
Communist Goals (1963) Congressional Record--Appendix, pp. A34-A35 January 10, 1963