Alon Day And Duck Dynasty

I think that most of us are forgetting that NASCAR is privately owned. It is Brian's playground. He has screwed up a lot of things, but this, the invocation, has been in place long before us. One of the few things he didn't mess with.

Beside that, who would want to get rid of this????????

The answer to your question is that people choose to get offended by all sorts of things instead of choosing not to become offended. Due to my Irish heritage I could choose to become offended by Notre Dame's nickname "Fighting Irish" as it propagates the stereotype of the drunken Irish brawler. I could write a few pages on how it hurts my self image and esteem and how hearing that name over and over again has marginalized me and made me feel like I was less of a person. However I choose not to be offended by the "Fighting Irish" as I am sure no harm is meant and they have used the name for year.
This pretty much sums it up for me as a Jew (and I've been asked that question a bunch). I can't imagine being offended by the pre-race prayer. It's part of NASCAR's culture. And not only is it not intended to offend me - it makes a VERY large percentage of people there happy. I can't imagine trying to get in the way of that. It's completely harmless. Given the choice, I would prefer a prayer mentioning Jesus than no prayer at all. Any kind of prayer/moment of reflection sends out a very positive vibe.
This pretty much sums it up for me as a Jew (and I've been asked that question a bunch). I can't imagine being offended by the pre-race prayer. It's part of NASCAR's culture. And not only is it not intended to offend me - it makes a VERY large percentage of people there happy. I can't imagine trying to get in the way of that. It's completely harmless. Given the choice, I would prefer a prayer mentioning Jesus than no prayer at all. Any kind of prayer/moment of reflection sends out a very positive vibe.

Well said and if more people shared your attitude the world would be a much more reasonable and happier place to live.
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