Answer and Ask

Football, of course that is the term for soccer everywhere else besides the United States.

Coca Cola Classic or Vannila Coca-Cola?
Cornbread, all the way.

I gotta ask this question again because Coffee didnt answer it, if you were stuck on an island with a racing-forums member which racing-forums member would that be?
That's a hard one, but I'd go with Jason, why not.

Fistfight: Godzilla or Don Zimmer
Godzilla...Zimmer got punked by a 175 pound punk players or hockey players?
Hockey player. They fight with sticks.

Better coach? Joe Paterno or Bobby Bowden?

Who would win in a fistfight: Jimmy Spencer or Godzilla
Godzilla, but only if he can get out of his car before Jimmy starts hitting him ;)

Fistfight? Jessica Simpson or Pamela Anderson?
That's a hard one. I'd go for Pamela Anderson in that one.

Fistfight: George Steinbrenner or Don Zimmer
Starsky and Hutch...cooler car (for the time)

Tim Taylor or Bob Vila?
It's a Southern thang. If you ain't one you wouldn't get it.

Do you really like bowties? :p
State of Psychosis

Worse torture: Being forced to watch a three hour figure skating competition or being forced to watch MLS soccer?
Being forced to watch a three hour figure skating competition

Do you think Erasable Pens are a horrible invention?
It depends.

Worse torture: Off with the 'special area' or pulling out the teeth slowly
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