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Who would you have drive your car the most likely: Ryan Newman, Dale Earnhardt Jr, or Jeff Gordon?
You know, they're both the same thing so I wont really answer, arright fine, adventure.

Most likely to start World War III: President Bush or Johnny Sauter
Terrell...but it is very close

more evil? Osama Bin Laden or George Steinbrenner?
Bin Laden, but only because George never hijacked an airplane.

Bigger jerk - Terrell Owens or Deion Sanders?
Terrell...I actually like Deion. Although I can't explain why :huh:

better guitar player...Hendrix or Eddie Van Halen?
Hendrix. Not even close.

Better drummer - Neal Peart or Lars Ulrich?
Chrissy :growl: although Janet was pretty hot too

WKRP...Jennifer or Bailey?

Bailey, but either one of 'em can eat crackers with me.

Granny Clampett or Maude? :lol:
Granny...less annoying voice :D

Favorite Charlie's Angel? (from the tv series)
The Captain was cool, but Mr Greenjeans was hip ;)

Who was your favorite movie Batman?
Right now, I'd take anywhere I could get. Tahiti sounds nice...

Electric shaver or the old manual razor?
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