Anyone like the Xfinity cars better?

First time in years I watched an Xfinity race was yesterday. I must say the racing was much more exciting than watching the cup cars. It seems the areo package on those cars or the eagerness of the young guns is much better. If todays Cup race is exciting then I'll wish for more 2 mile Fontana tracks.
What I saw of the race yesterday looked pretty good, didn't see the finish tho, but I did see the lack of fans there. There had to be less than 25K fans, and the weather looked good too.
What I saw of the race yesterday looked pretty good, didn't see the finish tho, but I did see the lack of fans there. There had to be less than 25K fans, and the weather looked good too.
The crowd size has no effect on my ability to get to my refrigerator or restroom. Never understand how it affects anyone that ISN'T at the track, IE; TV viewer? But guess it gives people something to bitch about.
Xfinity Mustang


Production Mustang

It would be cool if Nascar bodies were production cars, like Australian V8 supercars. The SS is dead because it didn't sell. Maybe because it starts at $46k!!!!
I can't take anything seriously that has exhaust port and grille decals but I understand that some folks really feel it spices things up and makes the cars look good. When I look at the current cars I see decal festooned slab sided monstrosities but who am I to argue with Brian. I am sure he has some study that says "it was the car the fans demanded."

I liked it when a showroom car resembled a stock car but those days are gone so we must satisfy ourselves with spec cars.

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