Bonehead of the week: COTA

The Felon will need some new drivers and CCs so that some new Nick names can be assigned.

When does Gordon get some type of a Felon 2.0 tag?
The #48 isn't open.
Ross to the 11 to make room for Zilisch. Trackhouse is an "international" team with SVG and Suarez. Zilisch's road racing background fits that nicely. Denny to the nursing home with his FedEx severance package.
We can call it the Harvick rule.

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I am really getting tired of the spin on all this that what Ross did is being magnified and over exaggerated because it was Elliott he took out. And somehow Elliott fans are overreacting to it. Let me be clear here...I have been watching racing for 35+ years and that move Ross pulled makes my list of top 5 dumbest moves ever. Lap ONE, turn ONE and it could have been way worse. He could have wrecked 3/4 of the field. I don't care who he took out doing it - Stupid is as stupid does. As an Elliott fan, I made an ass of myself and yelled at the TV for a minute, then got over it and moved on and enjoyed watching him storm through the field. I love the way he handled it and the way his team handled it.

As for Ross moving over and letting him go - I am mixed on it. I don't think Chase was going to dump him because it was not the right time trying to get to the front at the end of the race. He may have been over aggressive but I don't think he was going to risk the car/finish at that point. If a caution had come out he may have had the car/tires to win and I don't see him screwing that up just then. The interesting things for me now though is - Is it over? Does Ross pulling over and letting him go make them "even?" To me it does not and Chase still owes him one but time will tell.
The Chastain hate is strong here Grasshopper!

God all Mighty, he bumps the Golden boy and you would think it's the end of the world! LMAO
Seriously? "Bumps?" You call it a bump? Your guy drives like the moron I am on my video game and takes it 5 wide into turn one on lap one and slams him so hard on a low-speed corner that his tow link is bent and that's a "bump?" Can we also please stop calling Chase the "Golden Boy?" Chase is NASCAR's Golden boy because:

The went to a new generation car that does not fit his driving style that he has struggled to adapt to
They suspended him after the 600 in 2023 for intentionally wrecking Hamlin
They penalized him at COTA last season for getting loose and sliding off the track when it was clearly his car getting loose and no advantage
They penalized him at Indy for line violation instead of warning him (which they could have) when no advantage was gained
He was storming through the field Sunday and Fox barley mentioned it

I know how Chase was viewed coming up so I get the label and honestly how could he not be labeled that way? He had the talent, the look the demeanor, the name - he was the whole package but until I see NASCAR do something to influence a race so he wins or penalizes a driver for roughing him up it's all just BS talk.

I will also say that if Chase had done the same thing Ross did I'd be here saying something like "Wow - that was a dumb move - no excuse for it and no idea what he was thinking and I can sure understand that drivers involved and their fans are and should be pissed."
  • Haha
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Yep ( the Golden Boy Chase Elliot) fans are easy to fluster. :XXROFL::XXROFL::XXROFL:

It still amazes me he is most popular. I think Chase fans must vote over and over as much as allowed for this to be the case.

I do not dislike Chase per say but, if anything at all happens to the GOLDEN BOY CHASE ELLIOTT, all hell breaks loose, it's hilarious:lol2:

Yes, I am a Chastain fan and he screwed up last week, GD get over it.
Maybe a page or two 500 words or less will convince us to never call Chase the Golden Boy.

Good luck with that. This place operates on playground rules, where protesting a nickname guarantees it will stick, even if only one person is using it. See 'Felon', 'Preacher Joe', 'Redneck Jesus', 'KDB / KFB', etc.
Yeah - I am honestly a little off put by the "felon" thing too. I mean it's old news and lots of people have felonies and by all accounts I have seen Rick is a stand-up guy now and does lots for charity and stuff. We all do things we regret at one point or another. My best friend got a bunch of felonies when he was young and has now completely turned his life around and busting ass to support his family and went from being poor to being well-off and it stings him when people call him a felon to this day. Personally, If I am going to say something like call Chase the Golden Boy I want something to back it up. I remember when Dale JR was the face of the sport and he went below the yellow line to pass for the lead at Talledega and no penalty was called because they were afraid his fans would tear the stands down. If something like that happened to Chase I'd agree until then though it's all just empty mouth running and to me comes across as jealousy of his fan base and popularity/image. I find it comical too when people are like "I don't understand how he is so popular" because I heard the same thing about Bill year after year and he just kept on winning MPD year after year.
In Hendrick's case he was pardoned. That was back when pardons meant something, not the way it has been used recently. For christ sake this was over a car deal, not trying to overthrow the government.
The Chastain hate is strong here Grasshopper!

God all Mighty, he bumps the Golden boy and you would think it's the end of the world! LMAO
I don't dislike Ross at all, I think he is entertaining, and like underdogs that bust their ass to succeed, but the move at COTA was just as dumb as possibly can be, not because he spun out Chase, but because it had about a 1% chance of succeeding, and could have ruined a LOT of people's day. I just wish EVERYONE would be willing to own the mistakes their favorite driver/team/ manufacturer make and just move on. I have no problem admitting that Chase wrecking Joey at Bristol and hooking Hamlin into the wall were dumbass moves that shouldn't have happened, even though they were reactions to something done to HIM. Why is this SO HARD for some people?
I don't dislike Ross at all, I think he is entertaining, and like underdogs that bust their ass to succeed, but the move at COTA was just as dumb as possibly can be, not because he spun out Chase, but because it had about a 1% chance of succeeding, and could have ruined a LOT of people's day. I just wish EVERYONE would be willing to own the mistakes their favorite driver/team/ manufacturer make and just move on. I have no problem admitting that Chase wrecking Joey at Bristol and hooking Hamlin into the wall were dumbass moves that shouldn't have happened, even though they were reactions to something done to HIM. Why is this SO HARD for some people?
There isn't anybody here objecting to fact that Chastain made a bonehead move or arguing his case. :cuckoo:
Elliott’s supporters need something positive to talk about.

A race win might help with that.
See that right there...Just could not disagree more. Yes the wins have been lacking since 2022 but what can we be positive about....

Despite lack of wins he had the best average finish of all drivers in 2024
That he started showing consistent race winning speed down the stretch last season
That it's carried into this season as he has had fast cars every week
He won The Clash as part of that bad fast speed he has had so far
Would have easily been in the argument for the win at COTA if not for bonehead
Oh yeah and he's just now coming into the prime years of his career in a great car and already won 19 races and a title prior to his prime years

Yeah - being an Elliott fan is depressing. LOL Wins are not all that matters. Yes more would be nice but there is still a lot to celebrate and be excited about if you root for Chase.
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