The "good old days" ??
I mean, it is called RACING for a reason. If he was a lapper, sure...but I mean just because someone is a playoff driver doesn't mean you should pull over.it sucks that a wreck happened, but it's racing.
Plus 1. It's not like AJ did it on purpose. 2. Bowman still made the playoffs.
Don’t get how someone is a bonehead for racing? If you have to concede to the top 18 drivers wtf are the others even out there?
Didn’t get to watch the race but I’d give it to Denny for his dickhead comments.....”meaningless” drivers? What an ass....
From the replays I've seen, it sure looked like AJ was racing way over his head in a car that wasn't good enough to even be competitive. 18th place and not knowing what your driving is bonehead. Maybe he was jacked up on speed again.