Bonehead of the week: Kansas II


Team Owner
Jun 14, 2002
Powell, TN
Easy nod. Tony Stewart and/or crew for turning a second place finish into a 15th place finish.
Tony for doing to Jeff what he complains about all the time. Crammed it in there and took him 3 wide, then ran into him. Jeff is not happy at all.
Tony. Not for anything with Gordon, but for mangling his last stop and locking it up in his pit stall
I don't think that I would be so quick to call Tonys pit stop a bonehead move. I think that I would have to call it an honest mistake. I kind of doubt that Tony would come in to his pit and all of a sudden decide to step on the gas and try and take out half his crew on purpose. Anyone that has ever seen the inside of a cup car knows just how close the gas pedal and the brake pedal are and how easy it would be to hit both at the same time. A bonehead move means that you did something stupid on purpose or that you made a stupid decision.
I don't think that I would be so quick to call Tonys pit stop a bonehead move. I think that I would have to call it an honest mistake. I kind of doubt that Tony would come in to his pit and all of a sudden decide to step on the gas and try and take out half his crew on purpose. Anyone that has ever seen the inside of a cup car knows just how close the gas pedal and the brake pedal are and how easy it would be to hit both at the same time. A bonehead move means you do something stupid on purpose.

Nah, a bonehead move is doing something stupid that sets you back, intentional or not. Honest mistake or not, he blew that pit stop, and it cost him dearly. He's been driving how long? Yeah, he should know exactly where the pedals are.
Nah, a bonehead move is doing something stupid that sets you back, intentional or not. Honest mistake or not, he blew that pit stop, and it cost him dearly. He's been driving how long? Yeah, he should know exactly where the pedals are.

Agreed, Tony made a stupid mistake that he should never have made. When the talking heads talk about Tony's racing career they say he has been great at everything he has attempted. And I agree. Someone with that much experience should not make such a simple mistake.
Nah, a bonehead move is doing something stupid that sets you back, intentional or not. Honest mistake or not, he blew that pit stop, and it cost him dearly. He's been driving how long? Yeah, he should know exactly where the pedals are.
Ok lets go with your view or meaning of a bonehead move then. I still don't feel that he did anything stupid, he just accidentally hit the gas and the brake at the same time. I would have to call it an accident , not a stupid move. But this is just my opinion and you and everyone else on here are entitled to your opinions. It's not a big deal if we don't agree on everything. "Especially a bonehead thread." If he had a hand brake like on a nitro car then that wouldn't have happened. ha ha
You guys have never tried to drive a race car with big feet before lol. It happens now and then. I got friends that switched the clutch and the brake pedals so that the clutch is in the middle just so things like that dont happen. Its more comfortable too.
I have to agree with Nitro Dude on his description of a "Bonehead Move" calling it a move means it something done intentionaly or a lapse in judgement.

I did'nt see any bonehead moves this week, race was to boreing :(
Extremely boring, even steven wallace didn't contribute as he normally does in one way or another...:rolleyes:

Maybe Dad told him to take it easy on the sheetmetal so he can have something to race next year.
Ok lets go with your view or meaning of a bonehead move then. I still don't feel that he did anything stupid, he just accidentally hit the gas and the brake at the same time. I would have to call it an accident , not a stupid move. But this is just my opinion and you and everyone else on here are entitled to your opinions. It's not a big deal if we don't agree on everything. "Especially a bonehead thread." If he had a hand brake like on a nitro car then that wouldn't have happened. ha ha

How many years has he been racing?
So now doing something stupid isn't boneheaded?

Stewart for ****ing up his pit stop = BONEHEAD.
So now doing something stupid isn't boneheaded?

Stewart for ****ing up his pit stop = BONEHEAD.
Doing something stupid is very bonehead. But you have to be able to distinguish between a stupid move and an accidental move.
I don't know, but that's irrelevant.

I think Doing something stupid is very bonehead. But you have to be able to distinguish between a stupid move and an accidental move..

I think you're on your own here dude. Doing something stupid is doing something stupid, intentional or not. And for a driver with Stewart's credentials to accidentally hit the wrong pedal and cost himself a good finish like he did was pretty dumb.

So by your assessment, we would almost no bonehead moves. Let's say someone goes into a turn to hard, or accidentally taps the car in front of him too hard at Talledaga and causes the big one. I guess that's off the "bonehead" table now too?
I think you're on your own here dude. Doing something stupid is doing something stupid, intentional or not. And for a driver with Stewart's credentials to accidentally hit the wrong pedal and cost himself a good finish like he did was pretty dumb.

So by your assessment, we would almost no bonehead moves. Let's say someone goes into a turn to hard, or accidentally taps the car in front of him too hard at Talledaga and causes the big one. I guess that's off the "bonehead" table now too?
There will always be plenty of bonehead moves. But you will never see me point them out, because I am not going to point my finger at a driver when I know that I couldn't do as good as they can. But like I said in post 10, these are just my views and no one has to agree with them. But that also doesn't mean that I'm going to agree with yours. As far as me being on my own, there are a lot of things that I view differently then the dozen or so posters that are here on a daily basis. But there are also a lot that I do agree with.
I have to agree with Nitro Dude on his description of a "Bonehead Move" calling it a move means it something done intentionaly or a lapse in judgement.

This is why I chose Tony's decision to dive in under Jeff and lose it. That was a bonehead rookie move that Jeff wont forget. If it had happened the other way around, you can bet Tony would be pissed and talking about losing respect for Jeff.
My selection would be Tony Stewart for effing up that pit stop. Not really too many options to consider for this race.

But I didn't find it boring... There was action in the pack all day.

Maybe give a nod to the HMS engine shop for Gordo's late race engine detonation but since his was the only Hendrick engine to implode, it's not really fair to point fingers.
I don't think that I would be so quick to call Tonys pit stop a bonehead move. I think that I would have to call it an honest mistake. I kind of doubt that Tony would come in to his pit and all of a sudden decide to step on the gas and try and take out half his crew on purpose. Anyone that has ever seen the inside of a cup car knows just how close the gas pedal and the brake pedal are and how easy it would be to hit both at the same time. A bonehead move means that you did something stupid on purpose or that you made a stupid decision.

I still agree with that assesment also so I guess your not alone :p

A Bonehead move is when someone pits before the pits are open, sticks it in a hole 3 wide Knowing 3 cars can't make it or flipping off a pit steward and getting a drive thru penalty...stuff like that is what puts the bone in Bonehead.
Brian France for booking this race.

1. Yep, especially this now by booking 2 events, and getting a prized chase race.
Almost any other track would provide better racing.

2. For the race: the debris cautions. That is a big time anti racing, and anti competition.
A major concession that the racing alone isn't interesting enough.

Turning it into an exhibition first, and a real competition second, is a lousy and poor decision.

*Dis-Honorable mention for Tony's blown pit stop. I agree intentionally being dumb is worse, but it was still a screw up.

Big thumbs up for Nitro-dude. He articulates his points very well in a very positive manner without insulting others. That is no accident, and he makes me want to try harder and to be better myself.
1. Yep, especially this now by booking 2 events, and getting a prized chase race.
Almost any other track would provide better racing.

2. For the race: the debris cautions. That is a big time anti racing, and anti competition.
A major concession that the racing alone isn't interesting enough.

Turning it into an exhibition first, and a real competition second, is a lousy and poor decision.

*Dis-Honorable mention for Tony's blown pit stop. I agree intentionally being dumb is worse, but it was still a screw up.

Big thumbs up for Nitro-dude. He articulates his points very well in a very positive manner without insulting others. That is no accident, and he makes me want to try harder and to be better myself.
Thank's for the kind words Greg. You are one of the members on here that I have agreed with and respected a lot of your views for a long time. I try not to insult any of the members on here even if I don't agree with their views unless they try to viciously insult me first. And I don't feel the least bit insulted if someone doesn't agree with my view on a topic. But I try to keep and open mind and respect everyones views.:)
I still agree with that assesment also so I guess your not alone :p

A Bonehead move is when someone pits before the pits are open, sticks it in a hole 3 wide Knowing 3 cars can't make it or flipping off a pit steward and getting a drive thru penalty...stuff like that is what puts the bone in Bonehead.
Thank's FlFlash...I don't know if there is really a right or wrong here. I think there is a grey area here, and it is more about how you perceive the word bonehead.;)
Doing something stupid is very bonehead. But you have to be able to distinguish between a stupid move and an accidental move.

Stupid and accidental are both bone headed if the end result is a screw up. If I accidentally shot myself in the foot wouldn't that be considered stupid and bonehead?
Thank's FlFlash...I don't know if there is really a right or wrong here. I think there is a grey area here, and it is more about how you perceive the word bonehead.;)

How is there a grey are when it comes to someone being a bonehead? You either did something stupid, accidental or otherwise, or you did not. What are you guys, liberals?
I think you're on your own here dude. Doing something stupid is doing something stupid, intentional or not. And for a driver with Stewart's credentials to accidentally hit the wrong pedal and cost himself a good finish like he did was pretty dumb.

So by your assessment, we would almost no bonehead moves. Let's say someone goes into a turn to hard, or accidentally taps the car in front of him too hard at Talledaga and causes the big one. I guess that's off the "bonehead" table now too?
If a driver taps the car in front of them because they went in to a turn to hard, then that driver made a wrong or stupid decision that caused a wreck and I would view that as a bonehead move. If Tony came in to the pit to fast and out of control and spun out, then you could view that as a bonehead move. Lets say you are taking someone for a ride on the back of a motorcycle and you come up on a turn at night and your lights go out and you crash. That is an accident that you could not control. Now lets say you are coming up on the curve and you decide to turn your lights out to scare them and you lose control and crash. That would be a BONEHEAD move.:)
How is there a grey are when it comes to someone being a bonehead? You either did something stupid, accidental or otherwise, or you did not. What are you guys, liberals?
I'm not your school teacher so figure it out on your own. And it's grey area, not grey are.
New rule. Bonehead move of the race now has to be titled "possibly accidental, the driver may have made a little mistake but it may or may not be his fault" thread.

Jeez, are we now bringing political correctness to the bonehead thread?!?!:mad:
If a driver taps the car in front of them because they went in to a turn to hard, then that driver made a wrong or stupid decision that caused a wreck and I would view that as a bonehead move. If Tony came in to the pit to fast and out of control and spun out, then you could view that as a bonehead move. Lets say you are taking someone for a ride on the back of a motorcycle and you come up on a turn at night and your lights go out and you crash. That is an accident that you could not control. Now lets say you are coming up on the curve and you decide to turn your lights out to scare them and you lose control and crash. That would be a BONEHEAD move.:)

Biiiig difference between your lights going out (something you can't control) causing the wreck, and your foot hitting the wrong pedal (I mean really, did the pedals themselves move?) causing Tony's pit miscue. Try a different analogy.
If a driver taps the car in front of them because they went in to a turn to hard, then that driver made a wrong or stupid decision that caused a wreck and I would view that as a bonehead move. If Tony came in to the pit to fast and out of control and spun out, then you could view that as a bonehead move. Lets say you are taking someone for a ride on the back of a motorcycle and you come up on a turn at night and your lights go out and you crash. That is an accident that you could not control. Now lets say you are coming up on the curve and you decide to turn your lights out to scare them and you lose control and crash. That would be a BONEHEAD move.:)

I remember when you first came to this forum. I hate to say it but I told you so.

This is a tough crowd with lots of opinions and you know what they say about opinions.... :D

Me, I just love racing and I realize Tony messed up but I refuse to take it any further than that.
Stupid and accidental are both bone headed if the end result is a screw up. If I accidentally shot myself in the foot wouldn't that be considered stupid and bonehead?
You can view it that way if you want. But if you were hunting and you stepped in a hole and dropped the gun and the safety broke and you accidentally shot yourself then I would view that as an accident and try to help you. But if you were trying to be Wyatt Earp and shot yourself then I would view that as a bonehead move and probably kick you in the AZZ for being so stupid. And for the record I'm sorry if I insult you with that comment.
New rule. Bonehead move of the race now has to be titled "possibly accidental, the driver may have made a little mistake but it may or may not be his fault" thread.

Jeez, are we now bringing political correctness to the bonehead thread?!?!:mad:

lol That says it all.
I can't believe this entire thread is basically an argument about what constitutes a bonehead I know what it is like to watch Congress in action!
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