And yet we hate the one guy thats does show some emotion.
Kyle is one of the rare drivers that does show emotion, and it has helped the sport. Just look how the switchboard lights up on Windtunnel after Kyle does something. Kyle maybe hated by a lot of people, but then again so was Dale Earnhardt Sr while he was alive.
Sr never smashed a trophy, but he did make fun of Mark Martin's drinking problem while the two of them were contending for a championship (which I think is a lot worse). He's done the bump and run more times then I can remember, and would wreak you just as soon as pass you.
Kyle has a long way to prove that he's at The Intimitador's level, but the two do share a common thread in their aggressive racing style. Who knows, in 20 years we might be cheering for Kyle to win the Daytona 500 after he's won everything else there is to win. So, yeah, I do give Kyle a hard time. He's not my favorite driver, but I don't hate him.
After all, America loves a good villain. NASCAR could only hope that Shrub and Jr mix it up some more. It's one of the few rivalries these days.