Bonehead of the Week: New Hampshire

This is about the fans. Hints why I said typical nascar fans at the bottom.
well as outlined yesterday, thats why I had a problem with what Bubba did. No need to park in the opposing pit ( I would have no problem if he parked in his and then found his way to the 10 to voice his displeasure) Blaney got taken out and didnt do that. I guess my question to you is why are you not calling Bubba out for potentially endangering a crew member (during another of his meltdowns. there has been a pattern here) while being concerned about a fan reaction when in the grand scheme of things I Think we both can agree is irrelevant to the big picture.
well as outlined yesterday, thats why I had a problem with what Bubba did. No need to park in the opposing pit ( I would have no problem if he parked in his and then found his way to the 10 to voice his displeasure) Blaney got taken out and didnt do that. I guess my question to you is why are you not calling Bubba out for potentially endangering a crew member (during another of his meltdowns. there has been a pattern here) while being concerned about a fan reaction when in the grand scheme of things I Think we both can agree is irrelevant to the big picture.
It people calling McDowell a bonehead for the mistake, come on man lol. Nothing to do with any driver’s reactions that I’m focusing on. All im saying is, if McDowell is a bonehead, then Noah is as well. That’s IT.

I also yesterday said bubba 100% should’ve have handled it better. But I also understand being frustrated. You were there, you saw me say that. So I don’t understand the question, when I did say he should have handled it differently
Neither. Just stating facts.

Hopefully next time your boy takes someone out with his stupidity that you come call him out for it. ;) just to prove me wrong.

So you admit that McDumbass took someone, hell a bunch, out with his stupidity. Glad you finally admit it.

FWIW, you sure have a short list of folks that race hard and run into and over folks, seems you are fixated on just one driver that has had some dust ups in the past, must be sad in your world. The fun part is MELON Man lives in your head 24/7.
So you admit that McDumbass took someone, hell a bunch, out with his stupidity. Glad you finally admit it.

FWIW, you sure have a short list of folks that race hard and run into and over folks, seems you are fixated on just one driver that has had some dust ups in the past, must be sad in your world. The fun part is MELON Man lives in your head 24/7.
Just like Noah did correct?

Well you see, it’s because you’re a fan of his, last week I was saying the same thing to Larson fans lol. It wouldn’t make sense for me to call you out over a driver you’re not a fan of, now would it? Like why would I say “you gonna call Denny out next time he does something dumb?” Because YOU ALWAYS DO! Make some sense lmao. Please
Just like Noah did correct?

Well you see, it’s because you’re a fan of his, last week I was saying the same thing to Larson fans lol. It wouldn’t make sense for me to call you out over a driver you’re not a fan of, now would it? Like why would I say “you gonna call Denny out next time he does something dumb?” Because YOU ALWAYS DO! Make some sense lmao. Please

My guy didn't have an issue and finished 10th, he had nothing to do with any of the crap that happened but, since Melon Man lives in your head 24/7 you just have to bring him into a conversation for no reason, like I said before, you must live in a sad world. I kinda feel sorry for you but, just kinda.

As far a Gregson, he is an ass and always will be, he's a trust fund smart ass pain in the ass. And Denny, he is just a plain know it all a**hole, period.

Have fun responding cause I'm done with this issue of Butt Hurt Blaze. :salute:
My guy didn't have an issue and finished 10th, he had nothing to do with any of the crap that happened but, since Melon Man lives in your head 24/7 you just have to bring him into a conversation for no reason, like I said before, you must live in a sad world. I kinda feel sorry for you but, just kinda.

As far a Gregson, he is an ass and always will be, he's a trust fund smart ass pain in the ass. And Denny, he is just a plain know it all a**hole, period.

Have fun responding cause I'm done with this issue of Butt Hurt Blaze. :salute:
You hate being called out, I get it, if I defended everything my driver did, then called out others for the same thing I would hate it also. ;)
Pit road speed is like 40. They have tires better than the normal tires on a passenger car that runs down the highways bumper to bumper in heavy rain going faster than that.
Passenger cars don't normally go 40 a foot away from pedestrians and with their brake bias jacked all to hell.
Larson had a good idea. Nascar should work drying the pit road area more and less on the track. He said the cars dry the track pretty quickly. Looked like it to me. Mandate the wet tires for the first run, lay off afterwards and let the teams decide which tire to run after that.
Larson had a good idea. Nascar should work drying the pit road area more and less on the track. He said the cars dry the track pretty quickly. Looked like it to me. Mandate the wet tires for the first run, lay off afterwards and let the teams decide which tire to run after that.
like real racing.
like real racing.
Kinda is. You have to give the control freaks at Nascar something to do. They can lord over the decision of when to switch to the wets. They will also be able to have complete control over having the cars run around in circles on the oval for a hair pulling number of laps before they drop the flag.

A bonus is that this will give the gerbils enough time to be completely exhausted and over hypernated discussing the ends and outs of the rain tires and their philosophy of what Nascar is thinking.
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