Hmmmmm, so when Bristol was a real trading paint track, it had full stands with a long waiting list. They change the track for the "true racers" and fans take a big pass. I'll be frank, many years ago I was the one who argued that racing wasn't wrecking, but things have changed and the racing has gone totally boring. Of course there is nothing better than seeing a couple or more cars really racing each other lap after lap, but once they get strung out, the excitement is gone...totally gone. It isn't necessarily the tracks that are causing the boring races, but rather the technology that has not only made the cars safer, but the tires never wear out. The shark fin has taken some of the driver out of the picture and there are still more things. I'd bet that more people who attend local racing find a much more exciting event given that the emotions can run rampant, but who knows how the cars will run. If you "real race fans" want this sort of racing, it won't be long until you will be require to buy a $20 ticket to get into the big races simply because the sponsorships have gone away and along with that, the competition. But then it will start all over again because there will be less technology in the cars because they can't afford it. The drivers will once again be part of the mechanical team, and lo, the cars might once again be hauled to the track on flat bed trucks with all the tires loaded over the cab.
There was a reason that Bristol was the toughest track to get a ticket, but look at it now. They are begging for fans and I'm sure just as at Bowman Gray Stadium, the track is giving away free tickets with suite privileges. Y'all might not like Smitty, but he didn't get where he is because he is a dummy.