I knew all that, as far as birds go, Crow's are smarter than geese. I guess I should have used "dumber than a fence post". o_O

You got that right - Crows are smart - they would win the spelling bee here in Georgia if they could speak English :p.

Of course the kids from Connecticut by way of India would still beat em in the finals.
Just had to post this as I'm reviewing the race posts (missed the race due to circumstances) :(

The old saying "Doesn't have the sense God gave a Goose" is actually incorrect - at least as far as birds go. The Canada Geese where I live (around a lake) are really quite smart. They tend to stay in fairly large groups and almost always have a "lookout" for predators. They "marry for life" - if you can call pairing up marrying - and while the ducks at my lake lose 50%+ of their brood every year to predation - the geese are very protective of their young (both mamma and pappa are doting parents) - and usually see their young through to adult goose-hood.

When a group of them fly in the V-Formation it is similar to the peleton in the Tour De France or drafting at a superspeedway. The lead Goose breaks up the air - making flying easier for the others...and they take turns at the front. Actually geese are pretty smart.

OK - my little "fun fact" :)

It also helps if you don't want a face full of goose crap. Those things drop a huge load for their size!
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