Coffee & the Keurig - My coffee isn't compatable! Are you freaking kidding me?

Followup on my original Keurig issue.

I successfully modified the single cup reusable k-cup dispenser using the hot glue gun/label technique. I am now able to continue to drink my coffee at a much reduced price. :D

eff Keurig and their proprietary system!
Followup on my original Keurig issue.

I successfully modified the single cup reusable k-cup dispenser using the hot glue gun/label technique. I am now able to continue to drink my coffee at a much reduced price. :D

eff Keurig and their proprietary system!
I'da thunk a sledge hammer was the answer. :cool:
Not until McDonald's start producing K-cups will I buy a Keurig. Man, I'm hooked on that coffee :D

A friend just texted that McDonald's K-Cups as well as ground and whole bean coffee is now on the shelves in supermarkets

A fight that continues on a daily basis. A fight that I win, by the way. A fight that is allowing me to sip on my cheap a$$ coffee while I type this. A fight that you too, can win should you receive one of these devices for Christmas.

I just read this article, Coffee-loving hackers decode Keurig’s ‘secure’ new machines, and it reminded me of this thread that I started not too long ago. I thought others may be having the same issues that I had and you too can beat the system. I chose the 'hot glue/old label' method but I'm going to check out that permanent fix to see what that's about.

Just a bump to possibly help you out through and after the holidays.
Damn DP if the wife would let me I would still be using a percolator with the little glass bowl on the top to watch it perk after you set it on the fire of a gas stove.
Damn DP if the wife would let me I would still be using a percolator with the little glass bowl on the top to watch it perk after you set it on the fire of a gas stove.
I've come to like this new fangled machine since I've conquered it. I enjoy a nice cup of coffee in the morning while I wait for Mr. Coffee to finish his job.
I've come to like this new fangled machine since I've conquered it. I enjoy a nice cup of coffee in the morning while I wait for Mr. Coffee to finish his job.

I have an older Keurig at work which works well and just a plain old Mr. Coffee at home. I use the Folgers K-Cups and at home use Dunkin Donuts or McDonalds coffee. Sometimes I will grind some different beans for variety. The main thing for me is that the coffee is served black and is strong and robust.
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