Cup RACE thread --- Martinsville

They cant even have the prayer and National Anthem televised. Drivers must be waiting in thier cars for the commercials to end so they can get the command.
I have already requested off next weekend to watch the championship races. If Byron doesn’t advance, I’ll be very disappointed!
I love to hear "its hard to pass" 10 laps into a race at Martinsville while the leader is out to a 2 second lead already
Oh Rick you sly guy, working in not one but two train references
I love to hear "its hard to pass" 10 laps into a race at Martinsville while the leader is out to a 2 second lead already
I’ve been watching NASCAR since the 90s, it’s always been hard to pass here haha! The difference is this new car actually allows you to move someone without cutting a tire. They’re just not used to it’s physicality yet
I'm in the "sellout doesn't mean much" camp when you add in "sold" corporate tickets and other non-attended seats, but damn, really good crowd.
I'm impressed so far. Drivers are really learning how much they can abuse the bumpers on these cars.
Sentimal sap story warning but a short one:

During the fall of 2000 my dad was at his last days and Dale Earnhart won his last Cup race at Talladaga.
As superficial as it may sound it provided some temporary comfort and I know it would have got a smile from my dad. We shared so much in common and some things you just know.

Today my mom is in the hopsital bed and the Parkinsons has almost run its course. Maybe Harvick will get his last win today at Martinsville.

Mom doesnt care about racing and what a frivolous thing to post. Regardless of the race results she has lived a good life. Her trust is in the Lord.

She is sleeping while I type. Sleeping like the angel I believe she is....
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