Cup RACE thread --- Talladega

Talladega is about half-way between the dot for Birmingham and the AL/GA state boundary, or a little east of the last "m" in "Birmingham."

Amazingly, a pocket of dry opened up in the middle of the large cluster of rain that passed over the track. Maybe the pocket of dry will continue to grow until the remaining blob of rain that's still heading for the track disappears...

View attachment 47477
Radar could be a bit misleading. That said, there's too much rain close to the track.
Sometimes, local broadcast affiliates will super-impose commercials over national network programming.
Yea, I know, this was not one of those times ,it was cut in when they didnt want a cut in, the entire commercial didn't air, it was a , "oh ****" cut in :lol2:
Two HMS Chevys on the front row...the World is in balance now.
Bryons rear end looked at it was breaking lose in the tri-oval.
How far out is the rain?

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31 lead changes so far, that's different then the last few years where you could control out front
Chase needs to learn to take advantage of when his teammates try to help him.

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Its a race to halfway.
No lead changes have been down at Talladega for years the last column is lead changes
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