Yeah, I meant to type BOX.
To add an avatar, click on My Controls at the top of the page. Then look on the left side of the page that opens and you'll see "Edit Avatar Settings" under Personal Profile You can uses the same avatars that were on the boards by clicking on them in the box under "Pre-installed avatars." If you have a picture that you want to use for an avatar, look at "Your Image Avatars". You'll see a long BOX where you can add the address for the picture. If you see a picture form a site that you want to use, move your mouse on the picture and right click. Look in the window that opened and click on "properties". You should see an address pop up in the next window about mid-way down. To "copy" it, hold down the right button to your mouse and drag the curser over it. Everything should be highlighted in black. Left click again and you should see several choices including "Copy." Click "copy". Now, go back to the big long box next to "Your image avatar." Right click in the box so the curser is there. Left click and you should see "paste" as one of your choices. Click on it and the address for the picture should be there. Then go down to the little boxes and type in "120" in both boxes. Then click "add this avatar to my profile." and you'll be done. Make sure that the little circle next to "Your image avatar" has been clicked on also, so that it shows a little dot in it.
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