Using this new software a bit more, overall I like it better. There's only a few perks from the last one had that I liked, that might be able to be incorporated into this one but aren't serious enough to make me complain about their absence. On the main page, there aren't as many board statistics as before that were interesting to look at but weren't detrimental to having. There were the overall posters, the top weekly posters, and the hottest threads (that I would use when I was just stopping in the page quickly and wanted to see if any posts I was interested in were active). The Birthday thing is interesting, though, it has one person listed on there that isn't celebrating their b-day today. Might just be a bug.
As far as the actual threads themselves, we've lost the ability to post a quick message on the bottom and are forced to "Add Reply". There's nothing wrong with having to "Add Reply", except when I'm home on a 56k or the network here slows down, having to load that extra page gives me less time to post elsewhere. Also on the bottom, we have the "<< Back to General Chit-Chat" thing, but we lost the "Racing-Forums ->Ramblings ->General Chit-Chat" on the bottom. Of course you have the "Go" feature on the button, but I rarely use it. It's an extra click or two which gets to be a pain when you are posting a lot to have to do that each time to get back to the main page.
Things I like about this new software includes a much easier to use User Control section, and the ability to edit images if they don't come out right (b/c for some reason I have to post my images several times before they work. With the edit feature I can keep replacing it until it looks right). I like the look as well, it has taken some getting used to b/c it was different, but I like it better now.