@dpkimmel, Hot Dog Count

The display haulers aren't even there yet. That means you're going to have to buy Tums instead of being handed several souvenir rolls for free. Good luck keeping those tube steaks down without over-the-counter help.
I'm up to number eight -- granted I got an unfair head start on you.
You've already passed what will be my total consumption for next weekends race. Do you're stomach a favor and stop eating them now. You should have started slower to build up a tolerance otherwise you may find yourself @ the infield care center. ;)
So andy goes from hating martinsville hot dogs to eating 14:/
I think it's a love/hate relationship.

I'll be heading down to Martinsville either late tomorrow or early Wednesday for my share of racing and Martinsville hot dogs but I will come nowhere close to Andy's numbers.
Race recap.

Made it to Martinsville. Hot dog count = 0.

Cell phone reception here in the wooded hills of southern Virginia is at about a two on a scale of one to ten. In and out of 3G to no G. How did our forefathers do it? I can tether to my phone and get enough access to read/post forums but pics are a tough deal.

We left home yesterday after the kids headed off to school. About 20 miles into the 470 mile trip the Check Engine light came on. The display read 'Check Exhaust Filter - Entering Reduced Power Mode - Check Owners Manual - Have Serviced'. That doesn't work well towing a 12,000 lb 5er. Exhaust Filter - wth. I have to be honest. I didn't know there was such a thing on my GMC 2500HD Diesel. What a way to start our trip. There was one saving grace in all of this though. This all happened right in front of the dealership were I bough my truck a few years ago. I was able to get pulled into their lot just as their work day began. Dropped the trailer and had the truck serviced. About an hour later we were hooking back up and on our way. It turned out that the air filter was what needed replaced and apparently that was picked up as some sort of exhaust issue. They reprogrammed it to hit the regen cycle on the exhaust system burning/cleaning out the system and also sucking down some more of the $4.19/gal diesel. Damn. I do feel extremely lucky though. I don't know what the odds of that happening right in front of the dealer on a slow service day are but they have to be pretty great. Things were going our way yesterday. 20 minutes later I'd be between exits on the PA Turnpike wondering what the heck to do. 200 miles later I'd have been sitting along the road somewhere in Virginia wondering what to do. I guess yesterday was my day.

We are going to hang out at our camp site here near Philpot Lake just northwest of Martinsville until Saturday's Truck race. The weather is fantastic here leading up to the race weekend. Looking cooler for the weekend for both the Truck and Cup races. I'll have to hang out at the hot dog stand and see if Andy shows up. Sitting @ 14 dogs he's gotta be some sort of legend around these parts. He shouldn't be to hard to find.
Stake out the infield
Race recap.

Made it to Martinsville. Hot dog count = 0.

Cell phone reception here in the wooded hills of southern Virginia is at about a two on a scale of one to ten. In and out of 3G to no G. How did our forefathers do it? I can tether to my phone and get enough access to read/post forums but pics are a tough deal.

We left home yesterday after the kids headed off to school. About 20 miles into the 470 mile trip the Check Engine light came on. The display read 'Check Exhaust Filter - Entering Reduced Power Mode - Check Owners Manual - Have Serviced'. That doesn't work well towing a 12,000 lb 5er. Exhaust Filter - wth. I have to be honest. I didn't know there was such a thing on my GMC 2500HD Diesel. What a way to start our trip. There was one saving grace in all of this though. This all happened right in front of the dealership were I bough my truck a few years ago. I was able to get pulled into their lot just as their work day began. Dropped the trailer and had the truck serviced. About an hour later we were hooking back up and on our way. It turned out that the air filter was what needed replaced and apparently that was picked up as some sort of exhaust issue. They reprogrammed it to hit the regen cycle on the exhaust system burning/cleaning out the system and also sucking down some more of the $4.19/gal diesel. Damn. I do feel extremely lucky though. I don't know what the odds of that happening right in front of the dealer on a slow service day are but they have to be pretty great. Things were going our way yesterday. 20 minutes later I'd be between exits on the PA Turnpike wondering what the heck to do. 200 miles later I'd have been sitting along the road somewhere in Virginia wondering what to do. I guess yesterday was my day.

We are going to hang out at our camp site here near Philpot Lake just northwest of Martinsville until Saturday's Truck race. The weather is fantastic here leading up to the race weekend. Looking cooler for the weekend for both the Truck and Cup races. I'll have to hang out at the hot dog stand and see if Andy shows up. Sitting @ 14 dogs he's gotta be some sort of legend around these parts. He shouldn't be to hard to find.

Stake out the infield care center.
Cell phone reception here in the wooded hills of southern Virginia is at about a two on a scale of one to ten. In and out of 3G to no G. How did our forefathers do it? I can tether to my phone and get enough access to read/post forums but pics are a tough deal.

I'll have to hang out at the hot dog stand and see if Andy shows up. Sitting @ 14 dogs he's gotta be some sort of legend around these parts. He shouldn't be to hard to find.

You sure roughing it with just 2 bars. That was damn lucky with the truck. Staking out the hot dog stand is funny as hell. When you see a guy post a message after each hot dog, you'll know it's Andy. Come to think of it, maybe you'll spot a guy with mustard all over his phone and know it's Andy.
Race recap.

Made it to Martinsville. Hot dog count = 0.

Cell phone reception here in the wooded hills of southern Virginia is at about a two on a scale of one to ten. In and out of 3G to no G. How did our forefathers do it? I can tether to my phone and get enough access to read/post forums but pics are a tough deal.

We left home yesterday after the kids headed off to school. About 20 miles into the 470 mile trip the Check Engine light came on. The display read 'Check Exhaust Filter - Entering Reduced Power Mode - Check Owners Manual - Have Serviced'. That doesn't work well towing a 12,000 lb 5er. Exhaust Filter - wth. I have to be honest. I didn't know there was such a thing on my GMC 2500HD Diesel. What a way to start our trip. There was one saving grace in all of this though. This all happened right in front of the dealership were I bough my truck a few years ago. I was able to get pulled into their lot just as their work day began. Dropped the trailer and had the truck serviced. About an hour later we were hooking back up and on our way. It turned out that the air filter was what needed replaced and apparently that was picked up as some sort of exhaust issue. They reprogrammed it to hit the regen cycle on the exhaust system burning/cleaning out the system and also sucking down some more of the $4.19/gal diesel. Damn. I do feel extremely lucky though. I don't know what the odds of that happening right in front of the dealer on a slow service day are but they have to be pretty great. Things were going our way yesterday. 20 minutes later I'd be between exits on the PA Turnpike wondering what the heck to do. 200 miles later I'd have been sitting along the road somewhere in Virginia wondering what to do. I guess yesterday was my day.

We are going to hang out at our camp site here near Philpot Lake just northwest of Martinsville until Saturday's Truck race. The weather is fantastic here leading up to the race weekend. Looking cooler for the weekend for both the Truck and Cup races. I'll have to hang out at the hot dog stand and see if Andy shows up. Sitting @ 14 dogs he's gotta be some sort of legend around these parts. He shouldn't be to hard to find.

Try being an AT&T customer. Non-existent out here.
Race recap.
About 20 miles into the 470 mile trip the Check Engine light came on.

I was at Richmond once. We came out of the hotel in town on Saturday morning and the car wouldn't start. Plenty of cranking, but no turnover. I got to buy a starter as a souvenir on that trip, and it didn't even have a car number or sponsor logo on it.
If the toilet water turns red don't panic you probably ain't dying, it just means your full of the red hot dog dye. Just think pleasant thoughts, back in the day Juniors used the same dye to paint the #8 Butweiser car.

Eating cupcakes dyed Agua blue, then getting blue toilets water scared me more.
Race recap.

Made it to Martinsville. Hot dog count = 0.

Cell phone reception here in the wooded hills of southern Virginia is at about a two on a scale of one to ten. In and out of 3G to no G. How did our forefathers do it? I can tether to my phone and get enough access to read/post forums but pics are a tough deal.

We left home yesterday after the kids headed off to school. About 20 miles into the 470 mile trip the Check Engine light came on. The display read 'Check Exhaust Filter - Entering Reduced Power Mode - Check Owners Manual - Have Serviced'. That doesn't work well towing a 12,000 lb 5er. Exhaust Filter - wth. I have to be honest. I didn't know there was such a thing on my GMC 2500HD Diesel. What a way to start our trip. There was one saving grace in all of this though. This all happened right in front of the dealership were I bough my truck a few years ago. I was able to get pulled into their lot just as their work day began. Dropped the trailer and had the truck serviced. About an hour later we were hooking back up and on our way. It turned out that the air filter was what needed replaced and apparently that was picked up as some sort of exhaust issue. They reprogrammed it to hit the regen cycle on the exhaust system burning/cleaning out the system and also sucking down some more of the $4.19/gal diesel. Damn. I do feel extremely lucky though. I don't know what the odds of that happening right in front of the dealer on a slow service day are but they have to be pretty great. Things were going our way yesterday. 20 minutes later I'd be between exits on the PA Turnpike wondering what the heck to do. 200 miles later I'd have been sitting along the road somewhere in Virginia wondering what to do. I guess yesterday was my day.

We are going to hang out at our camp site here near Philpot Lake just northwest of Martinsville until Saturday's Truck race. The weather is fantastic here leading up to the race weekend. Looking cooler for the weekend for both the Truck and Cup races. I'll have to hang out at the hot dog stand and see if Andy shows up. Sitting @ 14 dogs he's gotta be some sort of legend around these parts. He shouldn't be to hard to find.
I've seen pics of that camper DP. Good luck on your endeavour, and stay off the patio!!!!
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