How about a.....


Am I too late ????? I'm sorry been busy.... Hope everyone has been doing well, I'm happy and sad tonight or I should say morning now .... 2:01 am EST here.

Anyhow ... my Braves won ... thank goodness and my Clemson Tigers lost ... bummer. So I guess I'll live.

Hope to chat with ya'll at another time and get to know ya'll better.

Take care ! :D
What time this evening ????

I will try to be here ..... earlier. :D

OK about the PS ... 97 !!! I like it too now that it was pointed out to me !!!! :lol:
I'll probably be back around 10ish (CST)! ;)

Oh, and I wanted to say..............Welcome aboard peyton shea! Peyton is my oldest step-daughter's name! :)
Oh, I can't watch that crap. Just gets me aggravated and I can't really do much about it anyway. <_<
Originally posted by 4xchampncountin@Oct 8 2004, 09:36 PM
Oh, I can't watch that crap. Just gets me aggravated and I can't really do much about it anyway. <_<
I know, its almost as bad as a discussion about Jr.... :D
Fergy OUT

I really hate that. <_<

Gonna crash out guys, ya'll have a good night. Big day tomorrow full of football and Busch racing.

And I gotta work. :wacko:
Originally posted by 97forever@Oct 8 2004, 10:16 PM NOW where is everyone>? <_<
I'm here! Gonna say anything that I can make fun of you for tonight? Thats very entertaining. :lol:
<_< Now I am afraid to say anything.


With Shady's computer problems--and me being vp of the once thriving GBFC---I hereby appoint YOU, Turtle9716 to post of new acting president!! Effective immediately upon reading this!!! CONGRATS and know the job is LIFE long...or at least until Shady gets back and kills me!

And no need to thank me, btw. You would do the same for me.

^_^ :unsure: :p

Ohhh...a trick to get me to say something stupid, eh?

VERY TRICKY, Ms. New-Prez.... <_<

Let me think about it until we see if President Clinton disbands the US and I will get back to you.

Whew. Nothing stupid in that statement. ^_^
Originally posted by 97forever@Oct 8 2004, 11:09 PM
Ohhh...a trick to get me to say something stupid, eh?

VERY TRICKY, Ms. New-Prez.... <_<

&nbsp; Let me think about it until we see if President Clinton disbands the US and I will get back to you.

Whew. Nothing stupid in that statement. ^_^
Might not have been the entire US, but I bet Clinton helped disband Monica's pants...
:eek: Man..could I make fun of you for that!

Hang in there Ms. New-Prez! Why, any day now you may have to throw a meeting of the old club! :cheers: (<Presidential beverage)
Hey Turtle9716.. I do see a potential new vic--er--member lurking! Come on in peyton_shea! Official member number 12,367!!!
Yes, Prez. And we just roped another one in!! Ahem. I mean, we just got another one.

P_S, ...Turtle9716 is the president! You can be official PR person!! We need that for sure!
Wait, I forgot, is this the Kurt Busch fan club or the Greg Biffle fan club? Or were there just so little fans of either one of them we just had to combine them??
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