If it seems like I've been angrier than before...


I love short track racing (Taylor's Version)
Feb 16, 2009
A short track somewhere
... it's because I'm at my breaking point with these crazy ass mother ****ers. My grandparents are the single worst individuals in the world. The crazy ass white people around here are flat out unbearable. The drivers suck. The area sucks. There's nothing to do. And there's no way out.

I'm working on an exit strategy now. I need a place to stay before I snap. Hell, I might even sleep in my car the next few nights. Couldn't be worse than the constant barrage of insults I have hurled at me on a daily basis from my grandparents who think their way is THE ONLY way you can live. If I were to pay rent to go back to a situation that was bad for my health (physical and mental), I'd move back in with my stepdad. At least I wasn't losing five pounds a month there.:rolleyes:

I'm sorry if I'm taking stuff out of you guys. I'm beyond stressed with school and my grandparents are making things worse everyday by making me put them before my education. The whole reason I moved here was to go to school. Now, I won't be able to because I have to get a third and fourth job to pay them more money... I thought they were looking out for my best interests. This past month, they revealed their true colors.... they want me to do what's best for them (which is, not succeed in life because they said I won't).

I have a phone and I can still post from there, and I'm taking my computer with me wherever I go. My clothes, possessions, etc -- they can all burn for all I care.
Wow, Andy I had no idea...I hope things get sorted out for you. Best of luck.
We all go through hard times in life, just don't give up. :)
Wow, Andy I had no idea...I hope things get sorted out for you. Best of luck.
We all go through hard times in life, just don't give up. :)

This past year has been the worst in my entire life. You have no idea. The things my grandparents said tonight (I need to go join the Marines and get myself killed in a war so they can be proud of me for once) hurt more than any injury I've ever had (and I've had two serious injuries send me to the hospital before).
I lived in my car for a short time. Trust me you will come running back home as fast as you can. Only advice I can give you is save your money however you can and start looking for affordable places to live if you cant live their anymore.
Well I talked to my dad and sister last night. My sister is going to pay for me to get an apartment or room somewhere while I focus on school. Next summer, I will move back to Waldorf and attend school down there.

I'm done with all these crazy ass mother ****ers.
Well I talked to my dad and sister last night. My sister is going to pay for me to get an apartment or room somewhere while I focus on school. Next summer, I will move back to Waldorf and attend school down there.

I'm done with all these crazy ass mother ****ers.

Good deal. It's nice to hear you have some family that knows how to step up in tough times.
If you have a job (or from the way it sounded 2), why can't you get your own place to live? I understand you're going to school, but I know people who go to school and work and have their own place. Maybe you could get a roommate to help with the expenses. Sounds like anything would be better than living with your grandparents. There are places that rents a room to students. Maybe you could find one of those. But mostly just ignore them and don't get all stressed out. I don't know how old you are, but you'll learn (like I have) that getting all stressed out over something changes nothing except the way you feel and your health.
I don't know how old you are, but you'll learn (like I have) that getting all stressed out over something changes nothing except the way you feel and your health.
Andy is always stressed about something or another.
This past year has been the worst in my entire life. You have no idea. The things my grandparents said tonight (I need to go join the Marines and get myself killed in a war so they can be proud of me for once) hurt more than any injury I've ever had (and I've had two serious injuries send me to the hospital before).
wonder if i'm related to your grandparents. i wouldn't want you to be killed but i'd personally drive you to the nearest recruiting station if i were them. you're an adult living in their house. if you don't like their rules then quit whining and get the f*** out. that's what adults do.
wonder if i'm related to your grandparents. i wouldn't want you to be killed but i'd personally drive you to the nearest recruiting station if i were them. you're an adult living in their house. if you don't like their rules then quit whining and get the f*** out. that's what adults do.

Wow..ok. I guess you don't have any grasp on a college kid trying to go to school, and making something of his life....having 2 part-time jobs to make ends meet.

Glad you arn't part of my family:rolleyes:
Wow..ok. I guess you don't have any grasp on a college kid trying to go to school, and making something of his life....having 2 part-time jobs to make ends meet.

Glad you arn't part of my family:rolleyes:
The military isn't a bad idea and it will get money for college. It's a good way to grow up also to be able to be on your own.
The military isn't a bad idea and it will get money for college. It's a good way to grow up also to be able to be on your own.

I think we all know that Andy would never be in the military...He could never take orders the way they hand them out...He'd be out in a week.

I went in for almost the same reasons, i'm glad I did, it turned my life around.
Well I talked to my dad and sister last night. My sister is going to pay for me to get an apartment or room somewhere while I focus on school. Next summer, I will move back to Waldorf and attend school down there.

I'm done with all these crazy ass mother ****ers.

Andy, you are in my prayers and thoughts.. I hope it works out for you. I can't imagine anyone wishing harm to their child or grandchild. Don't allow resentment and anger to be a daily part of your life. It will only drag you down.
Hey Andy, I know I pick on you sometimes in the Podium, but he hang in there dude. Get out some how, get your own place, and whatever you do don't drop out of school. I dropped out to get married when I was 21, went back 3 times , but never finished my college education. No matter how bad it looks now, you will look back on this later in life and see it as a leeson learned. College and your sanity are very important, if it means going part time, extending college another year just so you have your own place.....do it. Chin up and don't give up!
Wow..ok. I guess you don't have any grasp on a college kid trying to go to school, and making something of his life....having 2 part-time jobs to make ends meet.

Glad you arn't part of my family:rolleyes:
i know very well what it is to have a kid using his parents as a backstop, for some reason i still can't fathom, for not getting out and getting a decent job to support himself, and god forbid, a family he someday might have. sometimes you have to *encourage* them to grow up. i told my son to join the army the last time he wanted to come home from mass to live. he got a decent job instead and is doing very well. he's happy, we're happy, and we get along just fine. :)
I've never told one of my grown kids they couldn't come back home or to join the military instead, and I never would. But they know if they are going to live in my home they are going to follow my rules, no matter how old they are. If you want to live by your own rules, get your own place.
I couldn't live with myself if my kids joined the military and something happened to them after I told them they couldn't come home again.

My daughter has made the grade and doing exceptionally well.

My son is back home living with us and we are all getting along very well. It seems he realizes I'm not as stoopid as I was 10 years ago,,when I fired him. Following that incident I had hot tongue and cold shoulder sammiches for a month.

He has applied in person and sent out resume after resume, he's been offered several jobs but all at less than he's now making!

He's got to hang in there no matter how painful until the job situation here improves.
i know very well what it is to have a kid using his parents as a backstop, for some reason i still can't fathom, for not getting out and getting a decent job to support himself, and god forbid, a family he someday might have. sometimes you have to *encourage* them to grow up. i told my son to join the army the last time he wanted to come home from mass to live. he got a decent job instead and is doing very well. he's happy, we're happy, and we get along just fine. :)

I guess you didn't see my post about unemployment being 9.8%:rolleyes:
Well, the situation isn't improving. I spend a **** load of time at the library, at campus or at work to stay away from the house.

Things have all around gotten worse. I'm not getting in to specifics but I'm just not feeling very hopeful about the future. Looking for a place to live, the cheapest place I've found is $1000/month for one room (this is the wealthiest county in Maryland -- an overwhelming majority of the people who live here are retired). I'm still looking though.

If I don't get accepted in to Maryland this fall, I am planning on moving back to Waldorf and finishing out my degree there.
Well, the situation isn't improving. I spend a **** load of time at the library, at campus or at work to stay away from the house.

Things have all around gotten worse. I'm not getting in to specifics but I'm just not feeling very hopeful about the future. Looking for a place to live, the cheapest place I've found is $1000/month for one room (this is the wealthiest county in Maryland -- an overwhelming majority of the people who live here are retired). I'm still looking though.

If I don't get accepted in to Maryland this fall, I am planning on moving back to Waldorf and finishing out my degree there.

I don't know what year are you in, maybe you can do like my son did. He went to community college for 2 years and got all his required classes in. While he did that he worked as a bartender. After he had all the required done he transferred to the 4 year college of his choice and got his degree in chemical engineering, all the while still tending bar. The degree from the 4 year college cost him 6k and no student loans. I'm sure it would cost more these days that was 1997.
I don't know what year are you in, maybe you can do like my son did. He went to community college for 2 years and got all his required classes in. While he did that he worked as a bartender. After he had all the required done he transferred to the 4 year college of his choice and got his degree in chemical engineering, all the while still tending bar. The degree from the 4 year college cost him 6k and no student loans. I'm sure it would cost more these days that was 1997.

This is the end of my 5th semester at UTA. Not exactly apples-to-apples, but this is strictly my financial aid....and it hasn't even been covering everything.

08 Fall- 4,575
09 Spring- 4,575
09 Fall- 3,750
10 Spring- 3,750
10 Fall- 3,150
$ 19,800 for 2.5 years so far. Thankfully, that's all AID...and i've been paying about $1200 per semester to pay for what aid doesn't cover.

Problem is...most of that is student loans. So on paper, I'm still in debt up to my eye balls.
Things have gotten worse this week.

My Dad talked to them and my grandparents said: They were going to use my rent to pay for schoolbooks, food, clothing, etc.

The real situation: I have to pay for all that myself on $40/month. When I told them I would not have a car to get to work because of them, they said, "Good, you'll know what it was like when we grew up during the depression. Walk to work" (a three hour walk I might add)

The cheapest place I could find was $800/month plus utilities. So, at this point, I am out of school next semester.
I try to get away whenever I can get out, but it's just not possible when I don't have money to put gas in my tank.

So, now I have to get a third job.
Looks like a better alternative is see whose looking for a roomate in your area...you could get that price down quite a bit then. I used to have 2 roomates and it was great. payed 300 a month each
When I told them I would not have a car to get to work because of them, they said, "Good, you'll know what it was like when we grew up during the depression. Walk to work" (a three hour walk I might add)

And I bet it was all up hill too, with no shoes, and that was after milking all the cows and gathering all the eggs and chopping a load of wood. At least that's the one my grandfather use to tell.:)
Well, my dad got laid off from his job. My grandparents said they'd help him, turned around and raised my rent to $400/month and my grandmother again stated "You're going to drop out of school if you have to".

I talked to my dad and he told them that he's got problems but he doesn't want me to drop out of school to pay his bills. My grandmother said I'd be able to make enough money if I worked 80 hours a week and went to school.

Finally, my grandfather stepped in and told her she's being "barbaric" and that it's not possible to do both. Well, he talked to her about it and she said she'd cut it to $200 -- then came down after he went to bed and demanded $400 cash.

I'm going out of town for the rest of the week to see my Dad and sister and we're going to make plans for me to get out. Of course, my grandparents are trying to stop me from going. They don't want me out of the house, and they don't want me to go to college... they want my money, every penny I make.
Well, my dad got laid off from his job. My grandparents said they'd help him, turned around and raised my rent to $400/month and my grandmother again stated "You're going to drop out of school if you have to".

I talked to my dad and he told them that he's got problems but he doesn't want me to drop out of school to pay his bills. My grandmother said I'd be able to make enough money if I worked 80 hours a week and went to school.

Finally, my grandfather stepped in and told her she's being "barbaric" and that it's not possible to do both. Well, he talked to her about it and she said she'd cut it to $200 -- then came down after he went to bed and demanded $400 cash.

I'm going out of town for the rest of the week to see my Dad and sister and we're going to make plans for me to get out. Of course, my grandparents are trying to stop me from going. They don't want me out of the house, and they don't want me to go to college... they want my money, every penny I make.

If I was you, I'd get out of dodge. Just pack up in the middle of the night and try anyway to get to your dad or sister's house. Either that or have your grandparents committed to a nice nursing home.
If I was you, I'd get out of dodge. Just pack up in the middle of the night and try anyway to get to your dad or sister's house. Either that or have your grandparents committed to a run down dump of a nursing home that makes the one on the Simpsons look like paradise.

Tough times suck,trust me. I've seen times I was so broke and hungry I was swiping ketchup packs from fast food places and mixing it with salt packets and water warmed in the sun to make some sorta improvised 'tomato soup' back under the bridge that I called home. True story. You don't wanna be there.

Sit down, try actually talking to the people, drop some of your know-it-all-ness and consider what they are saying before you do anything stupid or impulsive. Compromise is the secret of life.

I'm serious, try that first, and good luck.
Well it's gotten even worse. Now that I have $90 in my account to pay bills, they're demanding $500/month for rent which would pay all their living expenses.

I've got two options: move out, get a third job, quit school and get an apartment or I quit school to get another full time job to pay them rent. All night, they've been saying that getting a degree is unrealistic because I'm "not smart" like my cousins.

My Dad's pissed.
Well it's gotten even worse. Now that I have $90 in my account to pay bills, they're demanding $500/month for rent which would pay all their living expenses.
My Dad's pissed.

If 500. a month will pay all their living expenses, I need to be there.;)

If Dad is so pissed, why doesn't he help, instead of expecting your grandparents to do it? Kinda hypocritical for him to be pissed that grandparents aren't really help you, when he doesn't either.
Originally Posted by AndyMarquisLiveWell,
I'm going out of town for the rest of the week to see my Dad and sister and we're going to make plans for me to get out. Of course, my grandparents are trying to stop me from going. They don't want me out of the house, and they don't want me to go to college... they want my money, every penny I make.

If I was you, I'd get out of dodge. Just pack up in the middle of the night and try anyway to get to your dad or sister's house. Either that or have your grandparents committed to a nice nursing home.

You guys make it sound like a prison break...Just pack your damn bags, have dad pick you up, go live with him, get a few parttime jobs until you get your act together.
Andy, a little poem from John Wayne way back when on Laugh In...

Roses are red,
Violets are green,
Get off your butt,
And join the Marines
Andy, take a year off school. Get a job and get out of there.
You have plenty of time to finish your schooling.....my 2 cents
Andy, take a year off school. Get a job and get out of there.
You have plenty of time to finish your schooling.....my 2 cents

+1 The enviorment you're enduring can't be doing you any good. Take a year off, work your butt off, MOVE out, get a place of your own and a roomie.
For crying out loud, have you no nads, get your act together and stop the freaking whining, get a damn job or two if needed then get your act together, the way you cry babies act all you want are more ENTITLEMENTS..... GROW UP..
For crying out loud, have you no nads, get your act together and stop the freaking whining, get a damn job or two if needed then get your act together, the way you cry babies act all you want are more ENTITLEMENTS..... GROW UP..

:eek: Wow, that was subtle and empathetic
If 500. a month will pay all their living expenses, I need to be there.;)

If Dad is so pissed, why doesn't he help, instead of expecting your grandparents to do it? Kinda hypocritical for him to be pissed that grandparents aren't really help you, when he doesn't either.

He's without a job.
Andy, a little poem from John Wayne way back when on Laugh In...

Roses are red,
Violets are green,
Get off your butt,
And join the Marines

Yeah, I'm going to school to better myself. Because I'm having a hard time, I should go join the military where I'll be shipped off on the first boat to Afghanistan. Maybe I'll live to go to school and get my degree ten years from now.:rolleyes:
Andy, lighten up. There are plenty of people that would blame you for everything. Sit back, try to relax and think about how you can remedy your problems. You are in control of your future and your grandparents or your father can only try to guide you. Take advice from those you trust and toss out those that you don't. But remember one thing, you are not the first one to experience what you are experiencing. I totally restarted my life at age 45 and life is great. I'm not saying that in the first 45 years I was happy as a pig in crap. I had some great times. But I also almost lost everything I had through no one else's fault but my own. As I said, sit back and think. You might surprise yourself. Good luck, but think about joining the military. You'll never regret it and you can also earn all the money for the education you want.
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