Indy 500 RACE thread

NBC DFW did their cut-in. 200+ houses destroyed, 120+ houses damaged. 7 dead, 100+ injured
Actually as Leigh said it, major points implications for Herta as he could have came down pit road and changed noses. Wonder why he thought it was toast
You go for a ride like that and smack the wall at Indy and you probably just assume it’s done in the heat of the moment. It’s not often you make contact here that’s purely cosmetic.
The booth were on it right away, calling attention to the fact that Herta made very little contact and that the car was mostly intact. That the driver and team were so unaware is indeed embarrassing.

Danica also was graceful but pointed in saying that Herta "is at a point in his career" when these kinds of mistakes need to be eliminated. The best moments for the broadcast team are when they don't hold back. Diffey is permanently in infomercial mode with everything he calls, but the analysis of the NBC crew is solid when they let them do it.
I'm watching on Peacock. Are these green flag commercial breaks on NBC side-by-side or full screen?
It ain’t gonna now since we’re past halfway, but these guys could’ve brought it down several notches as far as wheel-to-wheel racecraft in the first half.

Should be a blocking penalty for Dixon. Really dangerous stuff.
I dont think that was a block. That room didnt exist ad was not going to exist
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