Is Dale Earnhardt Jr. True Competitor

Seriously, Hendrick has always had the a-cars and the b-cars. Junior is getting the junk. Period. If I were one ounce more conspiracy theorist, I would almost think it was a deliberate move by HMS to replace the Earnhardt name at the top of the Chevrolet dynasty list with Johnson or Gordon. Little E ain't all that, but even he should be able to win or at least run up front in a Hendrick car, and it's damned weird he isn't.

I've always thought it was strange that he could win races at DEI and now at HMS he can't. It's not like he forgot how to drive when he got there. Of course Brian did start doing better when he left HMS and look how well Kyle has done since leaving HMS. I think Jr will start running good again too when his contract is up and he leaves HMS.
As far as his interview yesterday, who can blame him. Did they stick a camera in Montoya's face and ask about his chances for the chase ( he's behind Jr)? No they didn't. They always gotta make a big deal out of it because it's Jr.
Seriously, Hendrick has always had the a-cars and the b-cars. Junior is getting the junk. Period. If I were one ounce more conspiracy theorist, I would almost think it was a deliberate move by HMS to replace the Earnhardt name at the top of the Chevrolet dynasty list with Johnson or Gordon. Little E ain't all that, but even he should be able to win or at least run up front in a Hendrick car, and it's damned weird he isn't.


Thats true, not all cars are created equal. Case in point back in 04, or 05 when DEI swapped out all the 8 & 15 cars and crews, Waltrip ran marginally better, and jr ran alittle worse.
At this point it seems certain that JR's contract is about sponsorship $$ for Rick, and it seems like Jr knows it. There doesn't seem to be any love loss there.
Year or two ago there was a article about HMS. The 24 and 48 teams are housed in one building, the 5 and 88 in another. They supposedly 'share' info.
I'm really starting to believe HMS has 'a' and 'b' teams.
Why do I question HMS providing equipment to other teams like SHR better that what they keep for themselves?
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