Drivers and Danica start your engines. Is James Franco a retard or a sexist?
Drivers and Danica start your engines. Is James Franco a retard or a sexist?
Drivers and Danica start your engines. Is James Franco a retard or a sexist?
Who?Is James Franco a retard or a sexist?
yumm the force sisters blow Danica out of the water. Damn they're hot.
That's kind of what I was wondering as well.I'm leaning towards dumb/clueless. I'm wondering if he meant to say "gentlemen and..." rather than what came out.
And YOU are asking if James Franco is SEXIST??? I only hope that you're doing that intentionally!
But the Force sisters are kinda hawt...
She is a driver. I think she won 1 race , not sure where but she did win 1 for sure ....... right?
So the count is one. By default .She won by default. It didn't count.
I'm just shocked that NASCAR fans would overreact to something so trivial!
The greeeeeeeeeeeeeen coffee.Huh. What kind of coffee are you into now?
We don't all have your fashion sense.I thought my sarcasm was obvious. haha
Literally nothing shocks me when it comes to NASCAR fans. The idiotic conspiracy theories, the blatant disregard for logic and reason, the jorts...it's all part of the ride. hahaha
Thank God.We don't all have your fashion sense.
Franco is an excellent actor and very highly regarded.
If you replace 'a retard' with 'an idiot', I won't have to choose between the two.Drivers and Danica start your engines. Is James Franco a retard or a sexist?
Radio personalities John Boy and Billy famously started a race with the command, "Gentlemen and Jimmy Spencer...", but they knew Spence and he'd been on their show before.
Franco is an excellent actor and very highly regarded. Anyone who has seen 127 hours knows the nuanced type of performance of which he's capable. And Pineapple Express was funny as balls. But then again, I wouldn't expect the typical NASCAR fan to know this. Maybe if he were in a Larry the Cable Guy or some terrible Adam Sandler movie they'd like him more. But obviously the studio that produced Oz sent him there to do promotion.
I'm just shocked that NASCAR fans would overreact to something so trivial!
Perhaps Nascar shoud write an exact phrase. .
N...????? nobody???I say let Clements write it.
"Drivers, start your engines. Remember, if you drive like a n...".
N...????? nobody???