Kansas Hollywood Casino 400 Race Thread

Yes, yes and double yes!

Don't worry Chad, I touched the back end up a little.
Take JJ out of the point lead and he starts over driving the car. Just like last year.
Final minutes of all the football games are causing me to miss all the action. Dang!
Those two were trying to wreck. Looked like Danica tried to retaliate for something, and didnt do a very good job
WTG Danica! Starts heading towards the infield where she would've been able to save it, but then decides to turn right and hit the outside wall instead.
If she tries to blame him for her wreck, I'm 100% done with even attempting to be a fan of hers.
Bhahahaha! "Well, rule number one in stock car racing is how to wreck someone without wrecking yourself." Nice Landon:)
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