Kyle Busch shows off his maturity again

Been watching Newman for years, might not apply here but Busch is right on. Newman hogs the track, is slow most weeks, and dares ya to run into him. I don't know how many times I have watched Newman run in deep just to spin out somebody for no reason, yeah Big Stupid Ogre works for me.
Here's a shirt I put together for Newman.


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Drivers show no personality and be nice, people bitch. Drivers give their opinion and are honest, people bitch. You can't have it both ways.

Damn, this guy want's everyone to agree on everything because he can't handle varying opinions! :rolleyes:
Newman is a dumbass. He was on older tires and holding Matt up, which is why Kurt was able to get under him. Matt should have just punted Newman out of the way and saved everyone some trouble.
Newman is a dumbass. He was on older tires and holding Matt up, which is why Kurt was able to get under him. Matt should have just punted Newman out of the way and saved everyone some trouble.
Newman holds up everybody, he has done it for years, runs the best line and dares you to pass. when they do pass, if he can, he dumps you in the next turn. when have you ever seen anybody rough up Newman? He is what hockey calls a "goon". Not a big Kyle fan, but I agree with him on this. Kenseth couldn't pass him clean and didn't have the kahoona's to bump him, but he had enough to screw up somebody that did have a pair.
It's just an opinion ,but it's based on the statements by both Matt and Ryan . Both were really mad at Kurt for causing the incident . Both said that Kurt couldn't make that corner at the speed he was going. I am quite happy to defend Kurt ,even when nobody else will , but he may have overdriven the entry to that corner. He certainly flew by Matt , going into the corner and Matt was one of the faster cars all day. Just sayin.
Yeah, upon further review, I agree with what Newman and Kenseth said. It looks like Kurt just drove it in there too hard and too low, which caused him to slide up in front of Kenseth, who for whatever reason chose not to cut him any slack.

I also agree with those of you who say that Newman did nothing wrong in this particular instance.
Newman holds up everybody, he has done it for years, runs the best line and dares you to pass. when they do pass, if he can, he dumps you in the next turn. when have you ever seen anybody rough up Newman? He is what hockey calls a "goon". Not a big Kyle fan, but I agree with him on this. Kenseth couldn't pass him clean and didn't have the kahoona's to bump him, but he had enough to screw up somebody that did have a pair.

I agree that Ryan has the rep of being 'hard to pass' so does Juan Pablo . Some weeks folks on here get down on drivers for 'moving over ' when a faster car is trying to get by . Other weeks , not so much.:confused:
Gosh. That Newman sure is the mature one of the two.

"I'm sure if I rearrange his face I might fix it," Newman said.
DW on speed said kybu's beard looked like he had a case of the mange. I spit beer on the keyboard when he said that mainly because DW usually wants to have kybu's baby.

I'm guessing that he's not considered a Gillette Young Gun anymore and to cheap to buy his own razors now.
Gosh. That Newman sure is the mature one of the two.

"I'm sure if I rearrange his face I might fix it," Newman said.
Sometimes in life if someone continues to be a super dick It Is My Opinion that a little bodily modification of the dickheadee is definitely in order.
“Ryan Newman is the biggest stupid idiot out here,’’ Busch said on the SiriusXM NASCAR Radio post-race show. “He’s a big ogre and can do whatever he wants because he can probably kick anybody’s butt. So no sense getting in a fight with him. Glad he’s out of a job.’’

sounds like the intimidation works. kyle's scared!

and what better way for ryan to get a new job: a rivalry with the busch brothers would generate a ton of exposure for a sponsor. and if he plays it right, kurt and kyle will come out as the bad guys.
“Ryan Newman is the biggest stupid idiot out here,’’ Busch said on the SiriusXM NASCAR Radio post-race show. “He’s a big ogre and can do whatever he wants because he can probably kick anybody’s butt. So no sense getting in a fight with him. Glad he’s out of a job.’’

sounds like the intimidation works. kyle's scared!

and what better way for ryan to get a new job: a rivalry with the busch brothers would generate a ton of exposure for a sponsor. and if he plays it right, kurt and kyle will come out as the bad guys.

There's no rivalry with Kurt and Ryan. Kyle's got a rivalry with everyone because he's just a puss.
Ryan Newman responded to Kyle Busch’s comments about him, saying Busch is “not very bright" and that “he better be able to back running his mouth."

Newman made those comments Monday on “SiriusXM Speedway" on SiriusXM NASCAR Radio.

After Sunday’s race at New Hampshire Motor Speedway, Busch complained about Newman and his driving.

“Ryan Newman is the biggest stupid idiot out here," Busch said on the SiriusXM NASCAR Radio post-race show. “He’s a big ogre and can do whatever he wants because he can probably kick anybody’s butt. So no sense getting in a fight with him. Glad he’s out of a job."

Monday was Newman’s chance to respond.

“I’m just afraid if I rearranged his face, I might fix it," Newman said of Busch. “We know he’s not very bright. He’s a heck of a talent, but he’s not very bright and I’ll leave it at that."

And then he continued.

Newman said he hit Busch’s car during the race but it was in response to what Busch did to him.

“I admit to goring Kyle down the straightaway after he blasted me into the corner," Newman said on SiriusXM NASCAR Radio. “I didn’t crash him. He didn’t crash me. I don’t know what he’s got to be mad about. Evidently he’s got a bone to pick for some reason.

Newman also said that Busch should be careful about what he says.

“It seems like after his comments about me not having a ride and all that stuff, seems like he’s got way more to lose than I do, so I think he might check his trap there before he gets too ahead of himself. If he’s going to run his mouth, he better be able to back running his mouth."
I hope all this goes down at Bristol or Martinsville. Ryan Newman genuinely does not give a ****. And now he's got absolutely nothing to lose. Kyle better watch his ass. He just mouthed himself in to something his ass can't drive himself out of.
Kyle is a much better driver than Newman. He'll get a championship before its all said and done. You don't gotta be smart to be a champ - look at DW. Kyle will go into the record books and Newman will become as relevant as Jimmy Spencer.
what is he going to change? He's a goon. He will be getting in the way and driving like he always does.
I don't understand the Newman bashing. He has more Top 10s this year than his SHR teammates have combined and actually is tied for the ninth most for the year.
Kyle is a much better driver than Newman. He'll get a championship before its all said and done. You don't gotta be smart to be a champ - look at DW. Kyle will go into the record books and Newman will become as relevant as Jimmy Spencer.

Eh, he tends to choke every time the Chase rolls around.

He's one of the best drivers, in terms of raw talent, in the sport. But what he has in talent, he lacks in brains. That's what separates him from Jimmie Johnson and Tony Stewart. It's exciting to watch Kyle Busch but, at the same time, he pisses a lot of drivers off with his lack of sense and those drivers usually have too much to lose by retaliating. Usually, the drivers he pisses off are too busy contending for championships to retaliate. This time, Kyle finally pissed off someone who's got nothing to lose. If Kyle's contending for a championship and Ryan's not, Ryan will park his ass. And then there's Kasey Kahne. The day's coming real soon when he decides to start standing up for his rights and when he does, Kyle's team is going to be spending a lot of time in the fab shop. Brad Keselowski and Kevin Harvick also have plenty of reason to knock him out.

Tony can be an ass at times but he's not a genuine dick. Everyone respects him and people like him. Even Kurt Busch, for the most part, has mutual respect. Kurt has an anger problem but most people think he's actually a good guy. Kyle, on the other hand, I've never seen anyone in this sport who acts with such contempt towards, well, the whole world.
He's one of the best drivers, in terms of raw talent, in the sport. But what he has in talent, he lacks in brains. That's what separates him from Jimmie Johnson and Tony Stewart. It's exciting to watch Kyle Busch but, at the same time, he pisses a lot of drivers off with his lack of sense and those drivers usually have too much to lose by retaliating. Usually, the drivers he pisses off are too busy contending for championships to retaliate. This time, Kyle finally pissed off someone who's got nothing to lose. If Kyle's contending for a championship and Ryan's not, Ryan will park his ass. And then there's Kasey Kahne. The day's coming real soon when he decides to start standing up for his rights and when he does, Kyle's team is going to be spending a lot of time in the fab shop. Brad Keselowski and Kevin Harvick also have plenty of reason to knock him out.

Tony can be an ass at times but he's not a genuine dick. Everyone respects him and people like him. Even Kurt Busch, for the most part, has mutual respect. Kurt has an anger problem but most people think he's actually a good guy. Kyle, on the other hand, I've never seen anyone in this sport who acts with such contempt towards, well, the whole world.

It seems some people are mad that Newman makes it difficult for other drivers to pass him....uhhh isn't that the point of racing? I hope this random fued continues though, racing is more fun to watch when the drivers dont like each other
I hope all this goes down at Bristol or Martinsville. Ryan Newman genuinely does not give a ****. And now he's got absolutely nothing to lose. Kyle better watch his ass. He just mouthed himself in to something his ass can't drive himself out of.

If Gibbs is smart, they will start talking to Newman about driving a 4th car next year so he'll start blocking for their drivers instead of blocking for Tony. How fun would it be to see Newman blocking Tony during the chase? After the season is over they can call Tony to get suggestions on some good excuses for why he won't be with the team next year.
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