Life Without NASCAR

You’ve just figured that out and WE’RE dumbasses?

Also. I mean, even before I started to get pissed about it, which I only got mad because people were trying to make me feel like a ****** dummy, you was calling it a 3 week break. So it might have turned into trolling, but you still think two weeks of no racing(cause they race this weekend so it’s not a 3rd week without it) is a 3 week break. So maybe you’re just dumb, and a troll.
I think we need to also consider the first 7 days in the Bible as well. Were they actually 24 hour days, and if not would it effect the whole idea of our UOMs (Unit of measures).

There is also the leap year which proves our years are not exact and they are actually 365.25 days each. With that being the case I think we either recalibrate everything, years, weeks, days, hours etc, or just say eff it and roll with the Gregorian calender (due to the time constraints).
I think we need to also consider the first 7 days in the Bible as well. Were they actually 24 hour days, and if not would it effect the whole idea of our UOMs (Unit of measures).

There is also the leap year which proves our years are not exact and they are actually 365.25 days each. With that being the case I think we either recalibrate everything, years, weeks, days, hours etc, or just say eff it and roll with the Gregorian calender (due to the time constraints).
In the Navy, I crossed the international date line on leap day at 23:59:59 and gained 2 days...
Glorious times...
I’m sorry I get so worked up over dumb stuff, it’s just how my brain is wired. Idc anymore. Call it whatever the hell you want. Like I said originally before everyone kept doubling down on me.
Look if you’re upset over me trolling back, I’m sorry. I figured if you could troll me, I could back lol. I wasn’t serious with it.
The mini-video ends with f**k you.

But you weren’t serious with it.
The mini-video ends with f**k you.

But you weren’t serious with it.
Yeah. I wasn’t serious lol. It’s a video one of my friends on the wrestling forum I’m at post all the time for laughs when one of our friends (who’s Canadian) says something. I asked him for it so I could post it as a joke. I don’t hate you so I wouldn’t ever be serious with saying **** you.
its like 5 seconds long, and a joke. but I guess only people can troll me and I can't troll them back. I saw how badly it upset Aunty, and I at least said sorry, so I hope he will be okay.
You saw nothing of the sort.

It isn’t complicated. A forum member cannot tell another member to eff off, hidden in a video or otherwise.

Neither is name-calling permitted. Why risk your ability to post here for the brief feeling of euphoria you get from referring to other people as dumbasses.

3 weeks will seem much longer if you can’t post.
You saw nothing of the sort.

It isn’t complicated. A forum member cannot tell another member to eff off, hidden in a video or otherwise.

Neither is name-calling permitted. Why risk your ability to post here for the brief feeling of euphoria you get from referring to other people as dumbasses.

3 weeks will seem much longer if you can’t post.
Look, I was joking, point blank, if the post gets deleted, so be it, idc. If I really wanted to say **** you, I type it out, not post a JOKE video. The person in the video clearly wasn't serious, the video it self is easy to see it's a joke. You're Canadian, I thought it would be funny and lighten the mood up, that's it. Since you was upset, or offended, or whatever it is you want to call it, I said I'm sorry. That should have ended it.
You continue to insist that I’m upset … or offended … or whatever you want to call it. You confuse those things with disgust, all the while insisting that I’m too much of a dumbass to understand the real meaning of the posts you put up.

Re-read post # 104 and conduct yourself accordingly.
You continue to insist that I’m upset … or offended … or whatever you want to call it. You confuse those things with disgust, all the while insisting that I’m too much of a dumbass to understand the real meaning of the posts you put up.

Re-read post # 104 and conduct yourself accordingly.
Again, I said sorry. I can't do anything more than that. I seriously didn't say **** you, can't you just accept my apology?
You saw nothing of the sort.

It isn’t complicated. A forum member cannot tell another member to eff off, hidden in a video or otherwise.

Neither is name-calling permitted. Why risk your ability to post here for the brief feeling of euphoria you get from referring to other people as dumbasses.

3 weeks will seem much longer if you can’t post.
Name calling is definitely permitted for some. I’ve been called a clown more than one time by the same person, and I’m not the only one.
Name calling is definitely permitted for some. I’ve been called a clown more than one time by the same person, and I’m not the only one.
Hit the report button. It will stop.

The admins don’t read everything posted from beginning to end.
I seriously didn't say **** you
Yes, you did.

Can't even accept an apology.. fine. that's cool.
You don’t know how to apologize. An apology begins by stating what it is you’re apologizing for. See above.

Consider just sticking to your victimhood. It’s what you’re best at.
Yes, you did.

You don’t know how to apologize. It begins by stating what it is you’re apologizing for. See above.

Consider just sticking to your victimhood. It’s what you’re best at.
I think I know more or not than someone else if I was joking? It wasn’t serious.. so no I didn’t.

And I did. I said I’m sorry I posted a video that I meant as a joke(because I did mean it as a joke)
I think I know more or not than someone else if I was joking? It wasn’t serious.. so no I didn’t.

And I did. I said I’m sorry I posted a video that I meant as a joke(because I did mean it as a joke)
Point me to the post wherein you apologized for putting up a video telling me to **** off.

Your weak-kneed attempts to pass it off as a joke don’t cut it here.
Point me to the post wherein you apologized for putting up a video telling me to **** off.

Your weak-kneed attempts to pass it off as a joke don’t cut it here.
I'm not trying to pass it off as a joke, it was just a damn joke.

I will say I'm sorry for calling you a dumbass, that was uncalled for. But I 100% meant the video as a joke to lighten the mood. I'm sorry for posting the video, I didn't think you take it so seriously, but believe me when I say I didn't mean any ill will by it. You might have a problem with me, and want me gone, but the feelings aren't the same. I won't post jokes at you ever again.
I guess if you look at the break from a team perspective they are back at work getting cars ready and to the race this week. Thus two week break, for the driver almost 3
Since Indianapolis. All but the Willet were seen within a 1/4 mile of my backyard.

Sandwich Tern

Prothonotary Warbler (through the window)

Great Horned Owl (juvenile)

Red-headed Woodpecker


Osprey :D
Wow! Those are some nice pics.
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