Life Without NASCAR

Name calling is definitely permitted for some. I’ve been called a clown more than one time by the same person, and I’m not the only one.

My problem is that I don’t know when people are just joking. Just last week one member told another member to F off. I was surprised! These guys might have known each other and no offense was meant though.

I just try and stay in my lane and don’t get into others business or name call. It’s what works for me.
Wow! Those are some nice pics.
Thanks but I'm bush league. These guys are the good stuff:


This poor girl got bullied so hard about this song, but perhaps some people found it useful to know how many days are in a week and in what order they happen on. Too bad she isn’t on this forum, because we could really use her help. Plus, we could have inspired her to write a new song.
It feels like it was two score and seven days ago...

This poor girl got bullied so hard about this song, but perhaps some people found it useful to know how many days are in a week and in what order they happen on. Too bad she isn’t on this forum, because we could really use her help. Plus, we could have inspired her to write a new song.

Poor only described her singing. She got to become famous because she wasn’t poor. But I’m against bullying so invite her and maybe we can inspire her to reach higher levels 😬
She's famous? Good for her! What for?
Mostly for having her father bankroll a music video 20 years ago so she could become famous…which was an early instance of viral marketing and quickly became a poor one “hit?” Wonder joke. She took a lot of crap for it. More than she deserved given the vapid nature of the teen pop genre as a whole. And by today’s TikTok fame standard she would be a god. She just did it too early before we had lobotomized ourselves enough to enjoy it 😬
She actually some how got a music career out of it. She’s got an album, and then some singles and EPs before it. I don’t know if she got good or what, but Friday was in 2011, when she was like 14. She’s 27 now. So hey, good for her for being able to make money off it all in the end I guess.
Yeah she has a YouTube channel and some kinda dance techno pop sounding stuff that isn’t my cup of coffee but hey it’s following her dream. And she seems to have grown up alright so good on her.
Yeah, not my type of music either, but yeah definitely good for her for making it happen. Plenty of people out there sadly never can. Someone I been a fan of(her name is Jax) since 2015 is finally having a break through and getting more known. She just actually dropped her first album a few weeks ago.
With two days (or is it one) until the cars are back on the track, I've found it more than interesting to read what has kept fans occupied during the break.

From the the serious . . .
Keep your trash in The Podium.
to the sublime . . .
Can't wait for this break to be over.
to the ridiculous . . .

. . . pretty much anything posted by @Greg.
How many days or weeks is the break if we convert to metric?

Now, please excuse me, there are some fire ant mounds out back and my bladder is full...
The 21-day period would be significantly more challenging under such circumstances. Each minute would require 100 seconds, and the conversion of all other units of measurement would result in a day that is nearly twice as long. Despite this, the 21 days of hardship would still need to be endured.

Going metric would also encourage the European Union and United Nations to get involved with policing the downtime as well. The next thing you would know, they would be telling us we have to take six weeks of downtime and restrict ourselves to living in a Dacha during the six weeks. Doing things like spending time with family and actually having conversations with them.

It would be like living through some type of horror movie. Like living through "The Shining," like living through the Apocalypse.
Given how crazy some of us have seemed to get, I’m surprised we’re able to get through a single week of no racing, let alone three weeks.
Well we’re use to going a single week without, since we do that all season from race to race.
Tbf I haven’t watched even 5 seconds of Olympics even online etc.

I've seen parts of some of the true sporting events but it still bothers me that NASCAR took a sabbatical for the sake of things like synchronized swimming and break dancing.

I can enjoy the Winter olympics with hockey, skiing and snowboarding. As far as the Summer olympics go, there’s just nothing about it that interests me.
I've seen parts of some of the true sporting events but it still bothers me that NASCAR took a sabbatical for the sake of things like synchronized swimming and break dancing.

NASCAR took a sabbatical because NBC was using all its resources to cover the big profit-generator and wasn't going to write Daytona a check for the last two weekends.
Tbf I haven’t watched even 5 seconds of Olympics even online etc.
Men's and women's golf, a sport we'd be watching anyway. The other scored sports don't appeal to us, and I'm not going to watch something just because the competitors have a USA flag on their gear. I've ranted enough about judged sports.
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