I'm not sure if the "it's close to Raleigh/Charlotte" argument holds water when the track is two hours from either city. In fact, Rockingham is as close to Raleigh as Pocono is to the center of Manhattan.
Is it a great venue? Yes but it does suffer from a severe "middle of nowhere" syndrome. There's NOTHING in the Rockingham area for someone to do if they venture down for a race. It's not in an economically vibrant area so locals are often going to be shut out. I'm not blaming the fans because it mostly comes down to the economic conditions of the southeastern Piedmont area of North Carolina. The area is an economic black hole.
I'll be frank here: Andy was the wrong guy to buy the track. I know he had good intentions but for Rockingham Speedway to be vibrant again, it has to essentially create a micro-economy around the track itself. It needed a wealthy investor who could invest in new housing, shops, restaurants and the like around the track so it becomes a destination. Rockingham does worse than other NASCAR tracks in the middle of nowhere because they're at least close to vacation spots, Loudon is close to Laconia and the White Mountains, Pocono is in the Pocono Mountains and Bristol/Martinsville are in the southern Appalachians. Rockingham has none of those advantages. Getting Rockingham going again is going to take a lot more than just buying a track.