Movie Quote thread

"She should be good-looking, but we're willing to trade looks for a certain... morally casual attitude."...Animal House :lol:
'Scuse me while I whip this out.

Clevon Little, Blazing Saddles
"He choked on vomit"

"The strange part is, it wasn't his vomit. They never really identifeid whose vomit it was..."

"Yeah. You can't fingerprint vomit, y'know."

This Is Spinal Tap
Take a good look my dear. It's an historic moment you can tell your grandchildren about how you watched the Old South fall one night.

from: Gone With The Wind
"This is a Harvard bar, huh? I thought there'd be equations and sh*t on the wall"

from Good Will Hunting
"What in the wide wide world of sports is goin' on around here?"

Slim Pickins, Blazing Saddles
"Gold, Mr. Bond. All my life I've been fascinated by it..."

"Whats the dog's name?"
"Hey, whats wrong with wolfie? He's barking a lot, is he ok?"
Yes huney, wolfie's just fine.... where are you?
*Hangs up* Your foster parents are dead.

Terminator 2.
"Disturbing the peace?! I got thrown out of a window! What's the charge for getting pushed out of a moving car, huh? Jaywalking?!"....Beverly Hills Cop
"...your Mr. Takagi did not see it that way, so he won't be joining us for the rest of his life."...Hans from Die Hard
"Know this... be happy at your work" Bridge of the River Quai
Lieutenant Dan, what are you doing here?
I'm here to try out my sea legs.
But you ain't got no legs, Lieutenant Dan.

Forrest Gump
You told me you had answers
Yes, but I don't have them all.

The X-Files
"Don't ever tell and lie, and say your prayers at night before you go to bed. So as our friend south of the border would say, adios amigos!" Clint Eastwood, BRONCO BILLY
"What if I told you insane was working fifty hours a week in some office for fifty years at the end of which they tell you to piss off; ending up in some retirement village hoping to die before suffering the indignity of trying to make it to the toilet on time? Wouldn’t you consider that to be insane?"....Con Air
"All right you mother jumpers this is a bust!" Clint Eastwood - THE GAUNTLET
"The kid just won't quit peeing and throwing up. He's like a ****er spaniel.".....Big Daddy
"Listen punk! To me you're nothing but dog sh*t, you understand? And a lot of things can happen to dog sh*t. It can be scraped up with a shovel off the ground, it can dry up and blow away in the wind, or it can be stepped on and squashed. So take my advice and be careful where the dog sh*ts ya." -Clint Eastwood
I'm scared to close my eyes. I'm scared to open them......The Blair Witch Project
"You better fix up some transfer papers for me, cause I'm going...with ya or without ya!" Clint Eastwood - KELLY'S HEROES
"If the rest of you could shoot like them, I wouldn't care if the whole damn department was queer." MAGNUM FORCE
I want you off this rock on the next transport or I'm gonna shoot you where it don't grow back....Men in Black
You know what a bomb is that doesn’t explode? It’s a cheap gold watch...Speed
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