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So, I'm watching that Monday Nigh Football game last night and it comes down to that last play of the game. For those of you that did watch or were anywhere near a television this morning you know exactly how that game ended. If you want to debate that click here. The ending of that game caused me to wonder what exactly the rules were in the NFL given that situation. Low and behold a quick Google search of the term 'NFL Rulebook' took me to the following website. What I'm getting at is that there it was, the complete NFL Rulebook along with all of the 2012 additions. It is openly provided by the NFL for all to view/read. Why is it that NASCAR can't provide this? Perhaps many of you don't care at all to read it but I know I'd be interested in seeing it and reading it. It wasn't all that long ago that Jeff Gluck, I believe, released some of the info from the NASCAR Rulebook. For some, it brought about an uproar about how his remarks were somehow detrimental to the sport and opened it for ridicule. Yeah, I'm still trying to figure that one out. Anyhow I learned a little more about the NFL rules by reading some of their rulebook this morning. I'd like to do the same with NASCAR. How about it Brian?