Nitro Dude
Hauler Driver and Cylinder Head Maintenance
What kind of life style changes have you made and have you found yourself getting interested into things that you normally never did before this crisis happened? Because I'm home so much now, and because I'm on the computer and watching tv so much more then before, my sleeping clock has changed dramatically. Since I'm not physically tired I only sleep from around 2.00 am to around 6.00 am. I have also found myself getting interested in watching some sports that I never had the desire to watch before. The most surprising one to me is golf. I have never had an interest in watching or playing golf, but I have been watching some of the 2019 tournaments on the past 2 Saturdays and Sundays, and I'm already looking forward to this weekends 2019 tournament. GO TIGER. I also tried watching ice hockey...but that may take a little more time to hook me.