Nationwide Bristol Race Thread

I didn't know Danica was racing today. ESPN went so long without mentioning her that I was beginning to think she didn't show up.
Haha I love this qoute from the commercial with John Force "I've been on fire from here to Australia"
You keep bringing her up and reminding all of us that she is

I'm auditioning for a job at SPEED.

Oh and Andy dont forget to mention Twitter and throw up Twitter usernames every couple minutes
Seeing Kyle Busch in the back of the truck chatting it up with Brad was really odd.
Trevor already has the passenger side of his car tore up.
I wish they would drop the cars that are out of the race from the ticker so it would cycle faster.
So Johanna Long is running RCR engines/cars, is supposed to be some sort of short track ace but has been lapped twice by a girl who's run a grand total of 30 stock car races in her entire life. Interesting.
Danica putting the bumper to the 87. He kept chopping her so she had to regulate. LOL
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