StewartHaas-Gibbs Racing
Team Owner
Well Bayne is an idiot and Brad was trying to win. I just don't want to hear Brad complain if he gets roughed up.
Yeah but He told Bayne to do it.
Well Bayne is an idiot and Brad was trying to win. I just don't want to hear Brad complain if he gets roughed up.
Does Bayne have a spotter? He drove like a blind man on that last restart.
Well Bayne is an idiot and Brad was trying to win. I just don't want to hear Brad complain if he gets roughed up.
Come on Andy. How many races have been won because of rain, fuel or other out right stupid crap?
A win is a win.
ONE win in the rain and zero Chase appearances in top-tier equipment, entering his fourth full-time season, says something.
ONE win in the rain and zero Chase appearances in top-tier equipment, entering his fourth full-time season, says something.