Paul, New Signature



Hey Paul,
How long you gonna make us wait?
Signature removed so that no one's feelings get hurt.

Super politically correct signature coming soon!
I wanna see what the super politically correct signature is.
Originally posted by paul

I can't think of anything politically correct to say...I've tried starting some touchy threads but those were politically incorrect and lots of people got uptight about them. :)

You could play with the gun control thing........something like if no guns were allowed the country would prosper in love and peace. That's pretty politically correct.:D
I support the Second Ammendment, not sure where you're getting that one.
I was joking Paul........I know how you feel about the 2nd Amendment and gun control.
Yeah Paul,
I remember some of those threads, guess I'm a meat and potatoes kinda guy, I enjoyed them, they had substance and brought peoples opinions out. But I guess maybe I'm in the minority. I feel like too much fluff and PC makes the world boring and drone like.
Well, I'm not gonna make up a lie for the sake of PC.

I know it's politically incorrect to think the confederate flag should be forgotten, but we already went over that.
I like the unpolitically correct signatures. Politically correct are boring.:D
I know this isn't politically correct, so I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

Come on! I thought you hated political correctness! Here I am being all politically correct!
Awww...I thought you guys were crusaders against political correctness...where's the fight in ya? :)
Number two gets my vote for funniest, and I don't feel one bit offended. If everything gets so polished that there isn't any controversary, then I'm taking my mouse home and don't wanna play anymore.
Here's what I don't get. Not ten hours ago, you banned a guy for rediculing southerners and now your are doing the same. I guess I'll never learn.
I knew Buck had some PC in him...:)

How am I rediculing southerners? Can you show me where? Thanks.
Paul, I'm not going to get into with you. You know what the hell you are doing and it's making fun of southerners. End of it with me. Find someone else.
If you say so...sorry I'm not PC enough for ya Buckster.

Anyway, the guy you people asked to be banned was in here calling us "ignorant morons". Big difference, and if you just open your eyes a little you'll see it.

No offense, and again sorry if those cartoons are PC. They're from the Washington Post.
Originally posted by buckaroo
Here's what I don't get.  Not ten hours ago, you banned a guy for rediculing southerners and now your are doing the same.  I guess I'll never learn.
I must admit that I don't know squat about the banning incident, but were is there any rediculing southerners going on? To me that one joke just shows how fickel people are, and that they will find something to gripe about if they want to.
You got it Walrus.

People will complain about nearly everything, half the time without even thinking.
I certainly don't bud_stud...but it shows who's truly PC and who isn't. :)
PC is pretty hard to define I guess. I think those comics were pretty funny and especially true. The confederate flag doesn't really bother me. I do tend to question the intelligence of someone who wears one proudly. To me it brings up a time of ignorance, hatred and stupidity. Marked by terrorism and murdering of an entire race of people based on fear of the unknown. To somebody else (like maybe trent Lott), I'm sure it means more.
If you want to wear or fly the confederate flag so be it--may be not for all. I like the cartoons and can take a joke. What that one person on here was doing was done to hurt and degrade and to get a reaction. I don't like or want to be a part of that. Stating an opinion on something is not bad in my way of thinking. Just be prepared to here mine also. Can you find any other PC toons. I'd like to see!
The ones I feel for are those who honestly believe the Civil War was fought over slavery.

Opinions about the Stars and Bars vary, as do intents when displaying it. I personally don't own one unless it's on the cover of a CD or something. Don't have it on my agenda to rush out and buy one either. But if we're going to expouse opinions about a thing, at least know something about that thing. And the plain, simple, unpopular fact of the matter is, that episode of American history had little if anything to do with the issue of slavery, no matter which vaunted civil rights "leader" might say otherwise. Read a history book intended for above 7th grade level. THEN tell me what it stands/stood for.
I had to guess, because all you did was talk about everything it wasn' opposed to saying what it was.

I also assumed that's what you meant when you suggested we read history books.
History is a recording of events past.

Heritage is much more than that.

Schools should and do teach history. Heritage cannot be "taught" by traditional methods.

I fail to see where they are the same thing.
Well, you didn't offer one.

I'll keep guessing, so you can keep pretending no one from the north can understand.

So you're saying it's about history?

So is the Swatstika.
Originally posted by paul
Well, you didn't offer one.

I'll keep guessing, so you can keep pretending no one from the north can understand.

So you're saying it's about history?

So is the Swatstika.

I never said no one from anywhere could never understand.

I said there are varying reasons people fly it. Some most assuredly do so out of racist reasons. Some do so out of a sense of living history. Some do so out of simple defiance. Some do so just to annoy the hell out of those who don't like it. Some do so because their parents did. Some do so to celebrate their Southern-ness. Some do so and have no real idea why. Some do so out of genuine pride in Southern history and heritage, and I'll soon show you the difference in the two, since you fail to see it. I don't fly the thing at all, as do most people living here. I know exactly what it symbolizes to me, and it's none of your or anyone else's business unless I choose to share those reasons, which I do not at this time. I reserve the right to share or withhold anything I please. It is still a free country.

In short, what it's ABOUT is as individual as the persons who display it. Stereotyping won't work. This is not one of those issues that can be tied up in a neat little bundle, labeled, and poked and prodded at will for the rest of time. Sorry to disappoint.

Now as to the history v heritage issue....I can teach you the history of Boston, Mass. It is well documented. I could never hope to teach anyone the heritage of that region. I have never lived it. Oh, I could do the research and find and learn some of the folklore, some of the customs, but I could no more tell you what it means to be a Bostonian that I could tell you what it means to be a left-handed albino Kuwaiti woman. I've never been either.

Now, MY return question is this: Why is it such a thorn in your side? If you are genuinely curious and want to know the answers to things out of a real interest, that's one thing. If all you are after is more fuel to an already healthy fire, then you're far from the first. Either way, I'm more than happy to try and help you learn. When it gets to the point of sticks and stones, or finger-pointing and "Hey, look at the backward hillbilly", I'm out. Been too many generations of THAT already.
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