Pet peeves

Not being able to get salt at work (at an elementary school) because it's unhealthy for me (like I care:rolleyes:).

People who cut me off without using their turn signals and then wonder why I'm pissed off at them.
people who think we've got to have the government control our own personal health because they're too damn stupid to do it themselves.
Someone who complains about everything and is never happy with nothing.
that's called "creating a hostile work environment" there are laws about that ;)
andy you are so right about people w/money.i already have high blood pressure.In Louisiana you have to be the state to work full time in a shop.I am liscenced and have that to fall back on.but hubby's job is in jeopardy.he's been interviewing i've been praying and eating crow.job situation here is really bad.will keep biting my tongue.i know im gonna end up telling boss off.he's long over due.just hope i don't get fired for it. then again,i can file for unemployment and a lawsuit too.(he's getting rid of all white people.down to only 5 in store)
Laws don't matter anymore - the one with the money can get away with anything. :rolleyes:

well andy i live in Tennessee that is a "right to work state" i am in upper management, trust me Andy in today's kinder gentler world you need to be careful what you say. my office is next door to the legal dept. they talk with everyone in management quite frequently about what you can and can't say, hell we even have a 1-800 hotline # for our employees if they think they are being harassed
well andy i live in Tennessee that is a "right to work state" i am in upper management, trust me Andy in today's kinder gentler world you need to be careful what you say. my office is next door to the legal dept. they talk with everyone in management quite frequently about what you can and can't say, hell we even have a 1-800 hotline # for our employees if they think they are being harassed
Employers treat their employees like crap all the time.

My department's said and done a lot of ****ty things to employees.

It's pretty simple actually. They promised one person they'd get rid of him one way or another and told him to turn in his stuff and a resignation letter or they'd make up a reason to fire him. He complained to HR about it and they were forced to keep him. Evaluation time came around and it was reccomended he be fired on a poor evaluation (which isn't an evaluation, it's bosslady's opinion).

And the board takes great pride in reminding everyone that the only people who are protected are union workers and they've made damn sure that remains minimized. If you're not a teacher backed by a union, all it takes is one person who doesn't like you to get you fired.
So you're saying you belong to a union... :confused:


Everybody likes me
People on the highway slowing down because they see a cop, pulled over, giving someone a ticket. C'mon peopl, it's not like he's gonna drop what he's doing, jump back in his car and chase everyone down.:mad:
People on the highway slowing down because they see a cop, pulled over, giving someone a ticket. C'mon peopl, it's not like he's gonna drop what he's doing, jump back in his car and chase everyone down.:mad:
its required here, and yes they will. I've seen it my own eyes. have to slow down to 35 MPH or move to the furthest lane from the cop.

pulled my over for 45 in a 35, guy comes flying by, he says i'm free to go as he runs to his car and takes off after the guy. wasn't a mile down the road the speeder was getting pinned to his car by said officer.
its required here, and yes they will. I've seen it my own eyes. have to slow down to 35 MPH or move to the furthest lane from the cop.

pulled my over for 45 in a 35, guy comes flying by, he says i'm free to go as he runs to his car and takes off after the guy. wasn't a mile down the road the speeder was getting pinned to his car by said officer.

But what I'm talking about is when everyone is on a 3 or 4 lane highway, everyone's doing 65 or 70, and the guy in the fast lane in front of you suddenly slows to 60.
But what I'm talking about is when everyone is on a 3 or 4 lane highway, everyone's doing 65 or 70, and the guy in the fast lane in front of you suddenly slows to 60.

I couldn't agree more. Even if the cop is just sitting there waiting to catch a speeder, he isn't gonna stop all 100 or so cars all moving at the same speed. Natural selection says the smaller and weaker of the herd will be picked off. This is as it should be.
My uncle has been pulled over for not slowing down or moving over. If you cant move over you have to slow way way way down.
Just wondering but why? I pay at the pump all the time, I especially like it when the weather is sucky, cold, rain, snow etc.

I LOVE these --- takes less time and gets me out fast.

What if you are paying cash and dont not know how much you are going to halveto put in your tank? could take two trips inside and wait in the lines to pay then get your cash back. If your going to pay debit or credit and do not need to go inside, but its a hassle for the people that pay cash. I will aviod pay before you pump stations. If i am at one and they ask me to pay 1st, i will hang the pump up and leave.
Those pay before you pump stations began when the price of gas went sky high. Too many people would fill up and then take off. I don't blame those stations for making the changes, especially the smaller mom and pop stations. Lappy, you can always give the attendant more money than you think you'll need to fill up the tank and then go back for your change. I know it's an inconvenience, but such is life. In the old days, we could just fill the tank and tell the owner to put it on my tab. At $.29 a gallon, even in a rough week, getting that tab over $5.00 was hard. :)
We have a City Ordinance that you MUST pay before you pump gas. We were having so many drive-offs that it was taking up too much time away from our police department. Now, if any one doesn't pay before they pump gas, the gas station is fined $500 (i think) to file the report of the drive-off!

I actually prefer to pay at the pump.
I remember calling Old Man Potter, everyone in town called him that as nobody knew his real name, a robber when he raised his price to 27.9¢.:eek:

Drive offs started the pay before pumping here, I don't know if there's ordinances or not. I started using one cc strictly for gas purchases back in the 80's to keep track for business expenses. Now I just find it convienent.

In fact I rarely carry more than 40-50 bucks on me now but use the beegeebers out of my debit card though.
Those pay before you pump stations began when the price of gas went sky high. Too many people would fill up and then take off. I don't blame those stations for making the changes, especially the smaller mom and pop stations. Lappy, you can always give the attendant more money than you think you'll need to fill up the tank and then go back for your change. I know it's an inconvenience, but such is life. In the old days, we could just fill the tank and tell the owner to put it on my tab. At $.29 a gallon, even in a rough week, getting that tab over $5.00 was hard. :)

I understand that. One place we get gas, when they see the van they turn the pump on. Some days they are out of gas. I have a child in a wheelchair and it's really hard to get it out of the van and put it back in so many times. Plus it puts her at great health risk being in the cold air or the hot sun. No, she can't be left alone, she has a trach.

Lappy, you can always give the attendant more money than you think you'll need to fill up the tank and then go back for your change.

I had a girl argue with me the other day. She ask how much did I think the tank would hold. I said around 50 dollars. She argued my van wouldn't hold near that much. She continued to argue about how much it would hold. I said forget it. Her boss came out and told her to let it go. The van held 47 dollars worth. It took is over 20 minutes to just get gas and get out of there. I wanted to slap that girl before it was over.
I understand your plight. Do you have a handicap parking placard? Here if you do the attendant is required to pump your gas at self serv prices, it's the law.
Check with your state.
I understand your plight. Do you have a handicap parking placard? Here if you do the attendant is required to pump your gas at self serv prices, it's the law.
Check with your state.

Yes, I have one. I'm so use to doing every thing myself. No one has ever offered either. When I have her with me that would really be nice. I'll check on that.
Thank you.
I understand your plight. Do you have a handicap parking placard? Here if you do the attendant is required to pump your gas at self serv prices, it's the law.
Check with your state.
when i lived outside detroit in the early 80's a local gas station did that for me as a regular. don't know if it was a law but they just knew me and did it. attendants were a lot more courteous of customers back then.
Just wondering but why? I pay at the pump all the time, I especially like it when the weather is sucky, cold, rain, snow etc.

This is the one thing I liked about New Jersey's laws. NJ law says you cannot pump your own gas. Pull up at the gas station, someone takes your card and pumps your own gas for you, washes the windshield and (if you pay a little extra) checks your oil and all.

Add to that gas was 40 cents cheaper than in the "Free State":sarcasm: of Maryland. (this was when I went up for ARCA racing).
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