Preseason NFL Week 1

Both Luck and Griffin looked good. Some say Tannehill looks good too.

Washington (RG3) plays Indianapolis (Luck) on August 25th on Preseason, and that game is nationally televised. That should be good.

I'm worried about Griffin's style of play though. The Redskins have to play Pittsburgh and Baltimore, and for Griffin, well, if you run like a running back, you're gonna get tackled like a running back.
Miami Dolphins receiver Chad Johnson is out of jail following his Saturday arrest on domestic violence charges.
Johnson arrested
Chad Johnson was arrested Saturday night in Davie, Fla. on a misdemeanor domestic violence charge, police confirmed. More ...
The police report from the incident between Johnson and his wife Evelyn Lozada also was released Sunday morning. Like many police reports, it tells a few different stories.
Johnson and Lozada agree that the incident happened inside Johnson's "black smart" car in the driveway in front of their house. The disagreement started when Lozada "located a Walgreen's receipt in the vehicle's trunk for a box of condoms."
That's where the two accounts start to differ. Lozada claims that Johnson became upset, grabbed her, and head-butted here. She says Johnson yelled:
"I don't give a (expletive)! I don't give a (expletive) about my career!"
Lozada then walked to a neighbor's house and waited for them to come home before calling the police.
Johnson's account is rather different. He claimed that Lozada head-butted him, which caused the three-inch laceration that was visible on her forehead. He also said that she yelled "(Expective) it!"
Beyond the "he said, she said" version of events, the most notable part of the report is that Lozada told the police she wanted to press charges. She signed an affidavit saying so.
The Dolphins are practicing Sunday, but it's unclear if Johnson will be present. Johnson was released from jail around the time practice started.
Chad Johnson will be nothing but a headache for Miami.

Not anymore:) After watching HardKnocks last week you could tell it wasn't gonna last long and then he was flat in the Preseason game. He's just one of those guys that's a cancer to teams. Miamo is light years away from being competitive.
Washington (RG3) plays Indianapolis (Luck) on August 25th on Preseason, and that game is nationally televised. That should be good.

I'm worried about Griffin's style of play though. The Redskins have to play Pittsburgh and Baltimore, and for Griffin, well, if you run like a running back, you're gonna get tackled like a running back.

true, but the thing about Griffin is running is not a first priority for him. He is a pocket passer with a big arm. It just so happens that he has the ability to run as well.
Yes he is, don't know what the hell they were thinking taking the chance on him anyway.

Because honestly other than being a clown he has never be one to get arrested or fail drug tests. He usually is clean, except for his mouth. This arrest really was unprecedented, and too bad for him it blew his last chance in the NFL. Although all it will take is for a high profile WR to go down in week 2 or 3 and he may find himself on a team again.
You hear how he proposed????He thru the ring at her while he was playing a video game and asked her to marry him.hahaha

Now being reported he grabbed her by the arm and headbutted her.

Wow! Even Dez Bryant thinks that's cold. Of course if it was Chad's mama, he would have understood.

:youliketh <------(Dez' idea of how to keep your mama in line)
Not anymore:) After watching HardKnocks last week you could tell it wasn't gonna last long and then he was flat in the Preseason game. He's just one of those guys that's a cancer to teams. Miamo is light years away from being competitive.
Well he's not a Dolphin anymore.
Here's a few more since I am posting them.....




Killer Man Cave DP! I have a very, VERY small Man Cave, it is just a spare bedroom in our day we hope to build a bigger house and I want a basement to do something like this with....Love the thing man!
I hate the Raiders and Cowboys. Not as much as I hate the Steelers though. ;)
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