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Chicagoland Speedway says it has sold out of its lowest-priced tickets ($55) for Chase opener. Next tier starts at $65.
I was there, the front straight a way which the computer showed as sold out was a little more than half full, gobs of no shows, not good news for season ticket sales next year. Up high, nobody. Waltrip, a little better than half full. Where I was sitting back straight away was pretty much full. I know a little bit about racing and Logano had no chance of passing Gordon. Nascar was afraid of the problems it would cause if he held up Logano and allowed Keselowski to win so they put a stop to it and Gordon complied. Traffic Control was a different issue, had nothing to do with the amount of cars there. I have been there with many more cars and no problem. This time they chose to close the new 4 lane the State built for them to manage traffic and only let the VIPs use it while diverting traffic as much as 60 miles out of the way. It is that more than the race which is causing many people to say they will not be back.The only reason Keselowski didn't win was Nascar made Gordon move over and let Logano pass
Stands looked pretty full to me, I wasn't there, but there were plenty of copter shots. Your complaining about traffic control, guess there was a few cars there eh? Considering that it rained off and on all weekend the crowd looked good to me. I don't see the all the drama. Listening to Joey get interviewed after the race, he tells a different story about his passing Gordon, without your Nascar "making" Gordon move over. Joey passed Jeff on the bottom? I think I will go with what I saw and Joey's story.
Nobody passed Logano for the win eitherGordon didn't hold up Logano. Logano couldn't pass him.
I was listening to the 24s in car and no such thing happened. Jeff was driving hard trying to stay on the lead lap with a damaged car. I've checked the four posts you've made since you've been on here and whatta ya know. Any guesses, anyone?I was there, the front straight a way which the computer showed as sold out was a little more than half full, gobs of no shows, not good news for season ticket sales next year. Up high, nobody. Waltrip, a little better than half full. Where I was sitting back straight away was pretty much full. I know a little bit about racing and Logano had no chance of passing Gordon. Nascar was afraid of the problems it would cause if he held up Logano and allowed Keselowski to win so they put a stop to it and Gordon complied. Traffic Control was a different issue, had nothing to do with the amount of cars there. I have been there with many more cars and no problem. This time they chose to close the new 4 lane the State built for them to manage traffic and only let the VIPs use it while diverting traffic as much as 60 miles out of the way. It is that more than the race which is causing many people to say they will not be back.
I was listening to the 24s in car and no such thing happened. Jeff was driving hard trying to stay on the lead lap with a damaged car. I've checked the four posts you've made since you've been on here and whatta ya know. Any guesses, anyone?
Only intermittently, he was awake most of the time.Did you hear any snoring?
I was listening to the 24s in car and no such thing happened. Jeff was driving hard trying to stay on the lead lap with a damaged car. I've checked the four posts you've made since you've been on here and whatta ya know. Any guesses, anyone?
Will do o highest of the high.Perhaps we have a break in the case.
I would be willing to bet the folks that made Gordon comply for Joey to win and deprive Brad, are the same people forcing Jeff to race even though he doesn't care no more.
It has to be a dangerous, threatening and perilous times, and it is no coincidence that Jeff doesnt bring the family to all of the events any longer.
Johali this is important if you hear any of the hostage takers giving Jeff orders to comply please copy the recording for a complete voice analysis. Especially if their accent is Eastern European, cause we are mostly likely dealing the illuminati and Russian mafia.
If you see any Eastern European female agents please also PM me those images in every angle and postion for an in depth analysis and meditations.
I guess they're outta hot dogs?Dale Earnhardt Jr. @DaleJr 1h
Wenesday morning breakfast looking over the backstretch @MartinsvilleSwy for testing today. @Airstream_Inc
He does have to get in a car and go round n round --- hotdogs may not sit well. ROTFLI guess they're outta hot dogs?
Whichever, amounts to the same thing, Nascar had to get Gordon out of Logano's way.Gordon didn't hold up Logano. Logano couldn't pass him.
Whichever, amounts to the same thing, Nascar had to get Gordon out of Logano's way.
Whichever, amounts to the same thing, Nascar had to get Gordon out of Logano's way.
Kenseth wanted Joey out of his way but Nascar said no
I was listening to the 24s in car and no such thing happened. Jeff was driving hard trying to stay on the lead lap with a damaged car. I've checked the four posts you've made since you've been on here and whatta ya know. Any guesses, anyone?
Still at it I see.Whichever, amounts to the same thing, Nascar had to get Gordon out of Logano's way.
It's Denny time.
sofa king gay
People assume "THE GREATEST Drivers" are ALL in NASCAR but They are not, Some got married had kids and still race at a Local track
While Kenny said it, the quote came from Dale Earnhardt Sr.someone should tell Kenny that still doesn't make him one of the greatest.
While Kenny said it, the quote came from Dale Earnhardt Sr.