Rate The Race: Darlington

Even Harvick who clearly had the fastest car on the track couldn't catch Truex at the end.
I thought it was good overall, not a barn-burner by any means. I'm really just glad that the guy with the dominant car (#4) didn't just check-out and cruise to victory ala the 600. One thing I did like was the tire wear. I just love seeing the guys make 10+ stops per night, taking 4 at nearly every caution and when someone doesn't it's a gamble that everybody watches (Newman). There wasn't much passing long into a run, even through the field. The leader just took the bottom and checked out every time, though it's hard to say if it was just that Harvick had that good of a car or because aero push is unfortunately back. That did make for super-crucial pit stops, which I like. It will be interesting to see if NASCAR decides to mess with the track and put down VHT for next year as I recall Darlington was one of the ones they were talking about. Overall I'll give the race itself a 7.5
... It will be interesting to see if NASCAR decides to mess with the track and put down VHT for next year as I recall Darlington was one of the ones they were talking about. ...
I'd be out there in the middle of the night scraping that crap off with a putty knife, and I suspect I wouldn't be alone. :mad: Hell, half the HOF would probably be out there with me.

I didn't see many guys having grip problems Sunday night. I've never seen so few marks on the walls. I didn't see the first mark in turn 2 until after lap 200.
7. I've seen better races at this track.

From my perch in Turn 1, it looked like most of the passing was done either in the pits or within the first three laps of a restart. Kenseth, Johnson, Harvick, and Logano at various times mounted sustained charges through the field, but in Harvick and Johnson's cases that was because bonehead moves put them where they shouldn't have been in the first place.

Oh, and for the conspiracy theorists: I heard race control on the scanner discussing possible fluids from the #47 around lap 125, and later possible debris in 3 or 4. Neither resulted in a caution.
I was on top of the front stretch adjacent from the restart zone right before the 43 got turned into the wall nascar was discussing debris on the front stretch, there wasn't any
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