Beers I will not Drink: Bud or any Bud product, including Michelob or any derivitives(excluding RR). I don't particaulary like Miller too much either or Miller lite. Coors I can stomach, if it is really cold, at least this stuff doesn't give me a headache after 1 beer.
Beers I really enjoy and that actually have great taste: Dogfishead 60,90,120 and some of their other beers, Sam Adams and many of their different beers, especially love their Imperial Series! Rolling Rock, although owned by Bud now, it does not give me a headache and I've been drinking that beer since I was 16. PBR, first beer I ever had with my dad. Some of the imports I'll drink but really don't care for the skunky taste due to too much exposure to the sun in green bottles, like Heineken and St Paulis' Girl. I'm a Micro Brew Fanatic, love going to beer tastings, so if there is an IPA, Wheat Beer, Porter, or Bocke in the group I'm sampling them. Love going to brewfests and sampling probably one of my favorite things to do. And I don't mean getting drunk just because the beer is cheap, I mean actually being one of the taste testers and judging a beer.