Restrictor plates.

Well Paul i agree with you that the cars would not be going 240 without plates, especially if the aero was different. I still say mandate a smaller engine for Daytona and Dega. I think it would solve a lot of problems especially if it was an engine manufactured by 1 supplier. And please people don't say this would be more expensive because it would take all the R&D out of the teams' hands. One price for the engines, problem solved,still running 450-500hp without choking down the engine with a plate,so how could the car go 240???? It wouldn't you would have some pack racing ,but not like you do now and the cars would be able to pass. I'd rather see the truly"fast" cars get a chance to win. Yeh you would have a breakaway pack of 6 or 7 cars that are the fastest, but isn't that the purpose to determine who the faster car is? GEEEEZ!!!!!:satisfied
Thank you .....thank you...DH is now leaving the building ...see you guys tonight.
Nobody ever really changes there mind in a discussion like this one, but it sure can be entertaining. Paul's quote about someone closely related to Dale Earnhart winning the Daytona 500 for my natural born life was just priceless.:D
Originally posted by 4xchampncountin
Nobody ever really changes there mind in a discussion like this one, but it sure can be entertaining. Paul's quote about someone closely related to Dale Earnhart winning the Daytona 500 for my natural born life was just priceless.:D

Is that bad?:satisfied
No that is good! Always stick with your ship ...even if it is
Originally posted by Mopardh9
I still say mandate a smaller engine for Daytona and Dega.  

Yes, yes, yes!!! even with a lower cr.

Originally posted by Mopardh9
I think it would solve a lot of problems especially if it was an engine manufactured by 1 supplier.  


...and Yes, yes yes to everything else!
Originally posted by Mopardh9
No that is good! Always stick with your ship ...even if it is

If it's sinking, why is everyone else trying to get on board?:D
Heheheheh.....just joking i just woke up so no too quick on the keyboard.....thanks guys for this discussion, i really enjoyed it. Maybe before i'm too old to watch Nascar the damn plates will be gone. I fear the santioning body will continue along the same lines that they are going now and just smake small changes that don't solve the problem. Time for a drastic change i think!
Mopardh9: Almost all inovation has been taken out of all racin not just nascar. To go to your crate engine just adds to it. Racin has always been to prove who has or can race the best car. Don't take away from the builder/crew that can come up with a performace race car and smoke the field. You want to get away from plates, mandate narrower tires. Will slow the cars down in turns and still allow straight away speed.
Nascar will never do it.....why not have a smaller engine, i'm not saying they can't tinker with it , tweak it...i'm looking at the cost angle. The cheaper for these teams to race on the restrictor plate tracks the better. If they had one engine supplier for those races wouldn't it reduce cost? IRL has engine suppliers and it doesn't hurt their creativity as far as getting more speed and performance out of their engines.
Originally posted by Mopardh9
If they had one engine supplier for those races wouldn't it reduce cost?  

Probably. But I for one, wouldn't care about the race. Keep in mind, if your small cid proposal was followed, that would save money in the first place. It's the plate motors that are so expensive. Not so because of parts, but because of all the fiddle fartin' around spent trying to get any kind of hp out of them and the bassakwards things needed to make them work.

Originally posted by Mopardh9
IRL has engine suppliers and it doesn't hurt their creativity as far as getting more speed and performance out of their engines.

Suppliers. Plural. And those suppliers have two manufactures to choose from....and if you can see the glass ceiling imposed by IRL, the series may not be so exciting.
Umm geee last time i looked at IRL it was pretty damn exciting, in fact it had a great season last year. I don't just watch Nascar, i am a fan of racing and will watch just about any form of it. I do like Nascar the best though, in spite of its' shortcomings. I still fail to see how a smaller CID engine would harm the sport, especially if it was bought from an engine supplier. Less HORSEPOWER = LESS SPEED.....not much to think about . You people are trying to think too much here , the problem is not that complicated and neither is the solution, but the people trying to solve it are the complicated piece of the puzzle.
Wait a second? Didn't we have a really cool discussion after this point? What happened to it?
Hey windsor clean out your PM box so i can send you a message. Jim
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