Well Paul i agree with you that the cars would not be going 240 without plates, especially if the aero was different. I still say mandate a smaller engine for Daytona and Dega. I think it would solve a lot of problems especially if it was an engine manufactured by 1 supplier. And please people don't say this would be more expensive because it would take all the R&D out of the teams' hands. One price for the engines, problem solved,still running 450-500hp without choking down the engine with a plate,so how could the car go 240???? It wouldn't you would have some pack racing ,but not like you do now and the cars would be able to pass. I'd rather see the truly"fast" cars get a chance to win. Yeh you would have a breakaway pack of 6 or 7 cars that are the fastest, but isn't that the purpose to determine who the faster car is? GEEEEZ!!!!!:satisfied