saw on Bob Stallings' FB that Memo underwent surgery on his left Heel this morning.
saw on Bob Stallings' FB that Memo underwent surgery on his left Heel this morning.
Looks like a long road back, hope he can make a full recovery. AND because of this, the cars will become safer. From this clip of the Ford, I don't see any bars in the front at all.
Under Grand-Am sanctioning, DP cars underwent structural changes to their roll cages for 2012, creating narrower ****pits by moving the overhead cage bars to new mounting locations.
Changes to the front of the “Gen3” DPs were also carried out, with new noses, radiators and ducting installed to fit Corvette-branded bodywork, along with Ford- and generic-themed bodies from Riley. It's unclear whether the Gen3 chassis or the significantly altered Gen3 components ahead of the front bulkhead have undergone a new round of crash testing.
“DPs have been in existence for quite some time and I know the roll cage construction is based on the NASCAR [roll cage] model,” Elkins explained. “I know while I've been here in the last year, we haven't done any crash testing on those cars. The majority of the cars are all relatively new because of the Gen3 modifications they had to do. The Ferrari was a GTE car and has an ACO-spec roll cage in it.”
Hopefully he makes a full recovery. It's always sad that something like this has to happen before safety changes. Sounds like the old Grand-Am Series could have been more proactive in their approach. No or little crash testing on the new chassis? That's inexcusable.
I think he means as far as the ****pit cage. Though i think that would be a stretch too, seeing as DP's have working doors.Roll cage construction is based on the (Nascar) model?, politician speak for people who don't know much about racing chassis safety. Unless I am blind, I don't see any bars in the front like the Nascar Chassis below, not to mention all the structural triangulation from the firewall forward.