I hear you man, and those questions I asked are not intended to be inflammatory. However, those are the questions that need to be answered if anybody wants to be critical of what Kyle says. I am more concerned now than ever because I believe that NASCAR is trying to force the narrative given Probst's comments, and this stuff coming from Noble. This feels really, really desperate, and that desperation is coming from a very bad place. The solution is not to shut up those who tell the truth, the solution lives in fixing the perception of the product. That doesn't necessarily mean to change what is happening on the track. It means to change how the sport is promoted IMO. We place all of our eggs in the great racing basket, and nobody knows what the hell that is. Because we cannot define what we want to see on track, we change our focus to the drivers. Well, when we do that, should we not have anticipated that they might actually expressed themselves differently? Hell yes. Now that we realize that they do, when then threaten them to produce a single perception? Optics are not good here.