Smacks Daily Downloads

ieSpell is a free Internet Explorer browser extension that spell checks text input boxes on a webpage. It should come in particularly handy for users who do a lot of web-based text entry (e.g. web mails, forums, blogs, diaries).

Click here to download IESpell


I know I already recomended a free online scanner, well I found a decent one thats not just online. Although I still recomend other programs like nortons, if your willing to pay.

Click here to download AVG free edition
I highly recommend IeSpell. :D I have it and use it quite a bit. So easy to install........actually there's no configuring to it. Then just right click on the text you want to check and choose "Check Spelling".
If you know of any downloads you found usefull and are not on here, please feel free to make a post about it on here. Just include the name of it, a short discription, link to download it, and try to include file size.
This post is not a download, just some information and some tips

Hardrives are dumb plain and simple. WHen you save a program/file on your computer instead of putting it all together nice and organized it puts pieces of it here, there, everywhere. So everytime you open a program your hardrive has to search and find files.WHich causes you to have to wait longer, to fix this problem just defragment your hardrive atleast once a month or so. To defragment run Disk defragmenter in system tools.

Start - Programs - accessories - Disk Defragmenter

Also something else good to run every once and awhile in system tools is disk cleanup.

:salute: :D
A program called Diskeeper by Executive Software.
This program overwrites the default windowsXP defrag with its own far superior defragmentation program.

* Set CPU usage priority
* Boot-time defragment option
* Logging
* Chose to not defragment certain files/folders

By far the best feature is 'Set it and Forget'.
Schedule the program to defragment your computer automatically,

* With Smart Scheduling, you no longer have to decide how often to defragment your disks—Diskeeper will automatically determine the optimum defragmentation schedule for each of your disk volumes and adjust it accordingly.
* Exclusion times where diskeeper won't run
* Daily/weekly/weekends...
* Scrrensaver Mode: Set diskeeper to run behind your screensaver, can set prioroty to low to work along side any other research/cpu hungry screensaver program (folding@home...)
For those of you who want your computer to look all pretty :) You should check this site out. *Mostly helpful for xp users

get bored surfing the net. Why dont you listen to some live tunes.

Get Winamp (my personal favorite media player) and then head on over to shoutcast and tune into one of their thousands of stations. *not really for dial up users
For you im freaks out there.

If your running 2 or more im clients you might wanna check this out.

Trillian is an Im client, that allows you to communicate with people who use most other popular im clients (including: yahoo,Aim,Icq,Msn,and Irc).

There are 2 diffrent versions, basic (free with several less features), and pro ($25 with several more features).

Trillian download page
I use trillian. Great program, but I sometimes get lost with people talking to me across several different IMs. Worse is when you're talking to one person across 3 IMs at the same time.
If your looking for a certain type of program, want to know how to do something on your comp, or just have a problem on your computer cant get fixed, feel free to post it on here.

:bounce: :salute:
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