Dude, I typed in my smilies and maybe a couple of other short responses last night, right after the race, and you weren't even here. Why are you attacking me?!!! I didn't say anything bad to you or anyone else. You're saying this stuff to me, presumably clearheaded on a Sunday afternoon.
Why do you insist on forcing me to defend myself when I didn't even bash anyone? Should I have donned a hairshirt last night and made amends to everyone here for the filthy driving of my favorite driver?! As if anyone else around here would bother to do that. I didn't even think it was intentional. Sometimes, a tap like that just gets the air off and the guy keeps going. Sometimes, it doesn't. That's why they call it a racing deal.
And, for the record, I didn't try to insinuate anything about any other driver. Unless you meant Robbie Gordon, in which case, I was just agreeing with what you said! I congratulated Jeff Gordon and didn't gloat about Junior's success, considering I bet most people didn't figure he would finish that well. I guess two top tens in two weeks still means he's the alcoholic, talentless son of Dale Sr. Soooo sick of this...