Sonoma RACE thread

Only response you got? You can't compare how Johnson reacts when his crew barely messes up to Harvick's who seems to every week.
Alright, but I have heard the radio when the crew has messed up (Charlotte a couple years ago when the gasman fell out of the box, when they had to swap crews with the 24, last year's Brickyard race, etc.). Chad's the one who will always flip out, while Jimmie is always pretty chill and seems like he's more concerned with overall team morale. I understand Kevin's frustration, but bitching like that to the crew for losing 2 spots on pit road is pretty futile and will crush overall morale. The TNT graphic (which is pretty questionable, of course) showed that more of the time was lost by Kevin getting on and off of pit road.
Bowyer is vowing to catch the #1 before the race ends.

I am so hoping that happens.
Alright, but I have heard the radio when the crew has messed up (Charlotte a couple years ago when the gasman fell out of the box, when they had to swap crews with the 24, last year's Brickyard race, etc.).. Chad's the one who will always flip out, while Jimmie is always pretty chill and seems like he's more concerned with overall team morale. I understand Kevin's frustration, but bitching like that to the crew for losing 2 spots on pit road is pretty futile and will crush overall morale. The TNT graphic (which is pretty questionable, of course) showed that more of the time was lost by Kevin getting on and off of pit road.

It might have been 2 this time but what's the overall spots they have lost him this year? Probably way more than any other team, he needs a new crew, ANYONE would complain if they was Kevin, even.Jimmie. Just his crew messes up every what 15 races if that? When your crew is that perfect its easy to stay calm.
It might have been 2 this time but what's the overall spots they have lost him this year? Probably way more than any other team, he needs a new crew, ANYONE would complain if they was Kevin, even.Jimmie. Just his crew messes up every what 15 races if that? When your crew is that perfect its easy to stay calm.
Fair enough
Jimmie got bumped by Tony into Jeff - Jeff was none too pleased.
I also started the dinger. Damn. 2 of 4 out.
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