SuperCar Sunday

It’s an air-cooled Volkswagen motor 😳
It sounds more like a V-8. I figured he had modified a larger engine to fit. Sounded pretty snotty for a 4 cylinder air cooled motor. In the early 60s I worked for a company that had all V/W vans/busses they used for deliveries and was given one to drive back and forth to my home, about 100 miles round trip each day. Once I got to work, one of the delivery drivers would take it and use it during they while myself and another guy did store front replacements.
It is really hard to believe cars were that big. That '59 Caddy is a boat!! We had a 1967 Chrysler 300 tudor hardtop with 440 engine and that thing was fast and a monster in size. Trunk space out the kazoo. Took the rear seat out and put plywood cut to fit on floor, covered it with foam padding and a sheet and put kids there to play or sleep as we drove to Florida to visit my parents.

I often wonder what kind of gas mileage we got with that car. Then again, gas was less than $1.00 per gallon.
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