Survivor Fans

Well, the tribe has spoken!


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Boy, she is amazing. Everything she said was true. Yes she could have been a swing vote! She could have helped someone get further....But wow! It's worth a million bucks just to not have to spend 3 more days with her! (little miss know-it-all) :p

Could have been quite the twist if they did swing the vote and get rid of someone like boston Rob. I think that would have opened up the challenges. Boston Rob was so close to winning imunity.

How about big Tom? The apple doesn't fall far from the tree does it?

We've got an episode coming up....Actually two...

So who's next...who'll win, who'll go down in a blaze of glory, who just goes down in a blaze....

Oh's getting good.

The magic 8-ball says "chances are good" for tom getting the ole boot this week.
Sure looks like i have missed alot, i might have watched 30 mins of this show since it came on the air a few years back.
Originally posted by Lap3Forever@May 5 2004, 11:36 AM
Sure looks like i have missed alot, i might have watched 30 mins of this show since it came on the air a few years back.
BTW i was being sarcastic,,,,,ugh is that right?

never could watch that show or American Idol
I'm picking Amber to win, she scr$ws over Rob and is up against Jenna in the final vote?? or something like that...
There is supposed to be a big argument this week...should be very interesting.
last normal show....

Redrock, I agree totally...and that would also make the best tv in long time!

My guess would be something like Amber wins the 3 to go immunity and she picks Jenna to go with her to final 2. (insert dagger into Robs back and through the heart) She's smart enough to know Rob has Outplayed everyone there...but you still have to OutWIT! And that little move will win just about everybodies respect on the jury! :)
If that's the way it goes down, Jenna will deffinitely lose because she has lost the respect of almost everybody.
I also think that Rupert's alliance with her will end tonight.
Yea...I've said it before, Rupert creeps me out, so I hope the arguement tonight involves him...but at least I really doubt he'll win.

Not nice, I know...

I loved it when he and Rob got into it over the tonight's little throw-down should be fun.
I'm going to LMAO is Amber wins and we find out she has been playin Rob this whole time. This would be even more devious then Johnny Fairplay on the last survivor.
Well, Big Tom was voted out tonight 3 votes to 1. Rob betrayed Tom, lying to him the whole night!
Did you see the look that Big Tom gave Boston Rob??? If looks could ignite fire, Boston Rob would have desintegrated in a split second! Just wait, if Boston Rob is in the final two, Big Tom will make damn sure that he doesn't win!
Originally posted by majestyx@May 6 2004, 10:40 PM
Did you see the look that Big Tom gave Boston Rob???  If looks could ignite fire, Boston Rob would have desintegrated in a split second!  Just wait, if Boston Rob is in the final two, Big Tom will make damn sure that he doesn't win!
That was complete crap. I met him this past weekend and he's a really cool dude.

Boston Rob is a 2 face lyin' sack a shiiii........... feces.
Man, I didn't see Tom getting the boot last night coming!...thought for sure it would be Rupert the way things where going. "ahhhnoomannnjusskasssthhhhdammmmoooonnpoooojsdaaa" That's a direct quote from Big Tom :lol:
That jury is going to be the most vindictive group of people that have ever played the game.

Did you see the looks on their faces? Man, they could have killed.
Originally posted by TexasRaceLady@May 7 2004, 11:30 AM
That jury is going to be the most vindictive group of people that have ever played the game.

Did you see the looks on their faces? Man, they could have killed.
oh is gonna be pretty interesting sunday........I could just see the daggers in all their eyes......boy I am glad I am not there.......mean, hateful bunch....not nice at all.... :(

and boy what a surpise Amber got..a car..damn...... :(
The Jury....for the most part the juries in the past have put aside there personal feelings and have given the money to the person who played the game the best.
Originally posted by Dinoforthe3@May 7 2004, 03:59 PM
The Jury....for the most part the juries in the past have put aside there personal feelings and have given the money to the person who played the game the best.

True. Except for boy-scout Lil not winning, every winner of survivor has been portrayed as the person everyone hates! The most back-stabbing, lying, underhanded sleazeball in the bunch.

People do vote (usually) for who out-played them rather than feelings...

In the end wouldn't you rather give the money to the guy/gal who was better than you, rather than the 'nice guy'....
I can't wait till sunday night to see what happens........ :D
From my Survivor email :bounce: :bounce:


With the end in sight, and paranoia plaguing the remaining All-Stars, one castaway is challenged to break an alliance.

The Jury has been sitting silent, but now they get to return and have their say!

Thirty-nine days ago, 18 former castaways returned to play the ultimate game of SURVIVOR one more time. Now four remain, but only one will win. Who will the Sole Survivor?

After the Final Tribal Council, stay tuned for a special live reunion broadcast. See all 18 All-Stars come together again for the first time since they left the island.

Don't miss the 2-hour season finale,
Sunday, May 9 at 8pm ET/PT.
I ain't tuning in to this thread until way later tonight!! :D One of y'all might spill the beans!! But I would I ain't doing this thread until it's over here in California. That's 11:00 pm PDT.......y'all will be asleep. :)
Originally posted by DE_Wrangler_2@May 9 2004, 08:44 PM
I ain't tuning in to this thread until way later tonight!! :D One of y'all might spill the beans!! But I would I ain't doing this thread until it's over here in California. That's 11:00 pm PDT.......y'all will be asleep. :)
DE, that's why I only posted what I did..respect for those who aren't in ET
Amber not only won Survivor, she also won Boston Rob! He proposed to her on live television!
I did not watch the whole show, just the last part yesterday. but I think jenna made the wrong call and should have let it come down to the rocks. Would have given her a beter chance of winning.

Sounds like those two really had it figured out. So who are you going to vote for to win the other $1 Million?
Originally posted by majestyx@May 10 2004, 08:28 AM
Amber not only won Survivor, she also won Boston Rob! He proposed to her on live television!
Whoopie for the two faced backstabber.
wow....that actually was a great show!

I loved how everyone boo-ed Lex when he 'tried' to show the difference between him stabbing Colby and Ethan in the back and his getting stabbed by B. Rob....

Hi-Larious! What a moron.

Congrats to Amber and Rob!
Results of the votes are on Thursday night!

If you haven't voted yet and want to, check out
Voting for RUPERT!!!!!! That Jerri always did get on my nerves....she can't it but was good at dishing it out to folks!

Congrats to Rob & Amber...darn, I really want Rupert to win but maybe he'll get the second million....folks just love him! :)
If I had a million to bet, I put it on Rupert winning....(the crowd vote)

Oh well...gotta have money to make money they always say.
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